A NEW well drilled at Noitgedacht on the island of Wakenaam, Region Three, has been activated, resulting in residents in areas such as Sans Souci, Belle Plaine, Noitgedacht and Good Success receiving a level of service that has more than doubled.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), Shaik Baksh, and a technical team recently visited the island to assess the performance of the new well which was found to have a high production.

According to a release, visits were also made to several of the areas which are benefitting from the new well and some residents were receiving such a high level of service that they were able to do away with the need to pump water into their water tanks.
However, residents in Caledonia, Zeelandia and Maria’s Pleasure are not yet benefitting from the new well. In this regard, an action programme is being implemented to improve the efficiency of the distribution network. This includes extensive leak repairs, installation of air valves, piloting for all existing valves on the island and service connection upgrades.
Given the significant improvement in the water pressure, GWI’s team is closely monitoring the distribution system for leaks. In addition, customers in areas which are receiving a good supply of water will have meters installed to reduce water losses.
The release noted that a water treatment plant currently being designed will be constructed on the island aback the Noitgedacht well station in order to reduce iron content, thereby providing a better quality of water
The new Wakenaam well will be commissioned in a month’s time.
Meanwhile, the team also visited the island of Leguan to survey possible sites for the construction of a new water treatment plant.
The new plant is one of five along the coast to be constructed by GWI with funding from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB).
Neighbourhood Democratic Council Chairman, Lachhman Dwarkha, as well as Leguan’s Regional Democratic Council representative, Shaik Ayube, both welcomed the construction of the plant.
The officials praised GWI and by extension the Government of Guyana for bringing treated water to Wakenaam. They took the opportunity to also highlight that the island’s water pressure is excellent, the release said.