Labour Ministry refutes GTU’s claims of stalemate in teachers’ pay talks

THE Ministry of Labour has issued a statement correcting what it calls “inaccurate assertions” made by the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) President, Dr. Mark Lyte, as reported by Stabroek News on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, under the headline “Stalemate continues in teachers’ pay talks.” Dr. Lyte claimed that the GTU was never asked to present its position during the negotiations.

“It is NOT true that the GTU was never asked to put its position,” the Ministry stated. According to the Ministry, the GTU was given multiple opportunities to present its terms and conditions for resumption from the very start of the meeting on Monday, May 13, 2024. The initial draft of the terms of resumption was jointly drafted by the GTU and the Ministry of Labour.

The proposed terms included: An end to the strike and full resumption of work by all teachers within 72 hours; No victimisation by either party, and No break in service and the status quo ante shall prevail.

Following the full resumption of work by all teachers, conciliation will commence on the timeframe of the proposal submitted by the GTU.

The Ministry highlighted that the Chief Labour Officer suggested Terms 1 (with resumption within 48 hours instead of 72), 2, and 3, while the GTU presented Term 4. The GTU agreed to present these terms to the Ministry of Education (MoE), which then requested time to consider them, leading to a reconvening later that day at 3:00 pm.

During the subsequent meeting, the MoE and GTU agreed on terms 2 and 3, and amended term 1 to 48 hours instead of 72. However, there was no agreement on term 4, and the MoE presented three alternative options and an additional term: “The above terms shall be subject to the determination of proceedings before the Court by courts of competent jurisdiction.”

The meeting concluded with an agreement that both parties would consider various alternatives for term 4 and that the GTU would reconsider the new term proposed by the MoE. The next day, May 14, 2024, after hours of discussion, the GTU presented a document dated May 13, 2024, which included several terms, some of which had already been agreed upon.

The Ministry emphasised that at all times, both the GTU and MoE were allowed to present their positions. The timing of the GTU’s document presentation, which included agreed-upon terms and new terms, was entirely their decision and not due to a lack of opportunity.

The Ministry underscored the need for a state of normalcy before conciliation could commence, in line with the 1990 Avoidance and Settlement of Disputes Agreement, which stipulates that there should be no strike or stoppage of work during dispute resolution.

The Ministry expressed its bewilderment and sadness over the assertions made by the GTU President, which it described as a deviation from the truth. Nevertheless, the Ministry reaffirmed its commitment to guiding both the GTU and the MoE towards a solution consistent with long-standing industrial relations principles and the 1990 Agreement.

In closing, the Ministry reiterated its dedication to facilitating a resolution that upholds the integrity of the negotiation process and ensures the welfare of teachers and students alike.


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