Gov’t pushes forward with Mon Repos market renovation despite setbacks
The Minister of Local Government, Anand Persaud, with vendors of the Mon Repos Market (Cindy Parkinson Photo)
The Minister of Local Government, Anand Persaud, with vendors of the Mon Repos Market (Cindy Parkinson Photo)

– Western Wing to be completed in four months

DESPITE facing setbacks, the government of Guyana is working diligently to ensure the completion of the Mon Repos Market on the East Coast of Demerara in phases. Minister of Local Government, Anand Persaud, is spearheading the effort, following his recent engagement with vendors at the Lusignan Community Centre.

Minister Persaud visited the market on Wednesday to designate temporary stalls for vendors currently operating on the western side of the building. He acknowledged that the temporary facilities would be less comfortable than the original stalls but assured the vendors that the refurbishment and restoration of the western wing would be completed in four months.

“I met with most of the vendors on Monday and explained that the western side of Mon Repos Market will be rebuilt. Today, I identified the stalls, and I want to reiterate that this is just a temporary holding area for them until the rehabilitation is completed in four months,” Minister Persaud stated.

The contractual agreement for the renovation is three months, but an additional month has been considered due to the rainy season. The minister has instructed the contractor to work some night hours to ensure the project is completed on time.

Minister Persaud allotted temporary stalls to vendors at Mon Repos Market (Cindy Parkinson Photo)

Minister Persaud emphasised the importance of cooperation among vendors, highlighting that some had secured multiple stalls, which will no longer be permitted. “The issue was raised where some persons were given three or four stalls. The market is not a part of real estate. In this temporary holding position, you will not be able to get the multiple stalls you had in the original market, and most of you agreed to this,” he said.

Despite the government’s agreement with the vendors stipulating one temporary space per vendor, some had obtained more than one stall. Minister Persaud addressed this, ensuring the issue would be rectified and reiterating that each vendor would only be granted one stall.

He also issued a strong warning to the market community and NDC officials for their lack of vigilance in preventing these issues. “If you all were more diligent, many of these issues we would not have had,” he stated.

After several hours of discussions, Minister Persaud resolved the vendors’ issues and allocated each vendor to their designated stall. The Guyana Chronicle spoke with several market vendors, some of whom expressed satisfaction with the temporary accommodations, while others were dissatisfied.

Shanti, a clothes vendor, noted that although her new location is smaller than her previous stall, she understands the need for compromise. “All of us are happy for the extension of the western side of our market, but we also know that it will be a lot of inconvenience for us to move to a smaller location. Sometimes in life, we have to take some squeeze before we get better,” she said.

Another vendor, who requested anonymity, expressed concerns about the space allocated for his produce but acknowledged the need to comply with the single-stall rule until the renovations are complete.

The government remains committed to completing the market renovations and ensuring all vendors benefit from the improved facilities once the project is finished.



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