$5.9B in Budget 2023 to transform Region 10
Road works in Region 10 (DPI photo)
Road works in Region 10 (DPI photo)

A TOTAL of $5.9 billion has been set aside in this year’s budget to transform the landscape of Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Upper Berbice).

In upkeeping its promises, the government has put forth a budget which strikes a balance between addressing the pressing needs of today and the critical investments needed for tomorrow, ensuring that both are given equal attention.

In specific, residents of Region 10 are in for a massive transformation within the health, public works and education sectors.

The $781.9 billion budget was presented by Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, on Monday last; he noted that the budget exhibits care and concern for the vulnerable.

“Since assuming office, our government has set about the task of repairing the deep and lasting damage caused by five years of misrule and mismanagement, rebuilding Guyana’s credibility in the global community, restoring our attractiveness as a destination for private investment, improving infrastructure and social services, and ensuring enhanced opportunities and improved quality of life for the Guyanese People,” Dr. Singh said.

A recent outreach in Region 10 by Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d), Mark Phillips (Office of the Prime Minister photo)

A whopping $141,790 million was allocated for public works in the region. Key projects which the budget caters for are the rehabilitation of the bridge at Hururu; the rehabilitation and upgrade of roads at South Amelia’s Ward, Retrieve, Coomacka and Nothinghamshire.

While the region has already received tremendous support from the government, including the award of nine contracts to desilt drains and construct small roads and foot paths to enhance the community of Victory Valley, it is evident that there are plans in the work for massive infrastructural transformation.

Meanwhile, as it relates to the education sector, a total of $456,200 million was budgeted to assist with education delivery. In particular, the completion of Bamia/Amelia’s Ward Primary School was highlighted as one of the projects to be executed.

Moreover, $194,200 million was allocated for health services in Region 10. Projects such as the construction of the Mabura, Muritaro, and Ituni health centres and doctor’s quarters at Mabura; rehabilitation of regional drugs bond at Mackenzie and living quarters at Calcuni; the extension of the West Watooka, Great Falls and Rockstone health posts; the construction of a storage bond at Bamia Health Centre and the enclosure of staff quarters and construction of walkway at Retrieve were catered for in the budget.

Additionally, funds have also been set aside for the purchase of ambulance, boats and engines.


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