THE Guyana National Stadium, on Friday afternoon, came to life as persons packed the venue to celebrate Phagwah 2022.
Being the first time in two years since large celebrations for Phagwah were held due to a number of restrictions on social gatherings, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport hosted its Guyana Phagwah Festival.
A sea of colours filled the National Stadium as persons who had been cooped up in their homes for the last two years turned up to enjoy the festival with family and friends.
Those present were entertained by local Chutney star Vicadi Singh who kept the crowd alive with his song “Neva Gonna Leave” along with a number of other artistes.
Subject Minister Charles Ramson along with a number of other officials from the ministry were seen enjoying the festivities.

Abir filled the sky after one of the hosts of the programme instructed those present to throw the colourful powder in the air. Before long, the arena was covered by a large colourful cloud even as water ‘rained down’ on the crowd from hoses at the centre of the stadium.