Cove and John Ashram celebrates Guru Purnima

THE Guyana Sevashram Sangha (Cove and John Ashram), a non-profit, religious, philanthropic and monastic organization, will be celebrating Guru Vyas Purnima at the Ashram next Sunday, July 25, 2010.

The programme will begin at 5:30am with Hare Rama, Hare Krishna chanting, followed by Guru Aarti at 6:00a.m. 

At 7:00am, there will be chanting of Hara Guru Shankar, after which a documentary on the  life of Guru Maharaj will be shown from 10:00am. 

At 10:45am, there will commence the Praanpratisha of Sri, Sri Guru Murti with Sri, Sri Guru Aarti at 12:00pm.  Prasadam will be shared at 12:45, simultaneously with the commencement of the chanting of Hara Guru Shankar.  The celebrations will conclude at 6:00pm with the Guru Aarti.

His Holiness, Swami Vidyanandaji Maharaj will be available for Guru Diskhna.

Guru Purnima is observed on the full moon in the month of Ashada to honour sage Vyasa by fasting and worshipping him, through which one can attain wisdom and blessings.

On this day, Gurus, who are the traditional teachers, are honoured by their students.

The relationship between the Guru and the Disciple is considered very sacred.  This relationship is purely spiritual in nature, and is based on the maturity of spiritual knowledge (Gyan), and spiritual practise (Sadhna). 

Guru Purnima celebrates the teacher’s efforts to uplift the student mentally, morally and spiritually and the reciprocal actions of the student.

His Holiness, Swami Vidyanandaji Maharaj has been the spiritual and administrative head of the Guyana Sangha for several decades, and has tutored thousands of students who graduated from the Hindu College and went on to become successful and highly productive citizens of whatever country they reside in. 

The present administrator of the Guyana Sangha is former Bramchari Vidur, who, after being ordained last January, was renamed, after a purification process, Swami ShivaShankarji Maharaj.

On these special occasions, former residents of the Sangha’s dormitory and students of the Hindu College return from all over the world to honour their alma mater and pay obeisance to their gurus (teachers).

Anyone desiring additional information, or wishing to contribute to the success of the celebration of the Guru Vyas Purnima can call Telephone numbers 229-2721; 2292805; 229-2642; or 229-2802.


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