Art in 2020
Mixed Media painting by Elodie Cage-Smith entitled ‘Afro Port’
Mixed Media painting by Elodie Cage-Smith entitled ‘Afro Port’

IT is the beginning of a new year. Most persons would set goals with the hope of accomplishing them within the year. Others continue to work towards goals from the previous year. I believe that as artists, our yearly goals include, serving better, developing our craft and increasing our earnings.

” Serving better” refers to our impact and influence in our community; being the voice of the people and portraying works that are of importance to them; using our gifts to advocate positive change; helping other sectors in whatever way we can; our ability to meet the demands of the market; our mentorship capacity of encouraging aspiring artists to pursue their dreams, and our determination to build art appreciation.

We develop our craft in different ways. This includes completing an art course, experimenting with new materials, conducting more research and thinking outside the box. The exhibition, currently being held at The National Gallery is entitled, “Portals Amidst The Deep.” It demonstrates evidence of research and exploration, qualities that create a stimulating and distinctive exhibition. If you have not yet visited the gallery, you have until January 10 to do so.

As entrepreneurs, how to increase our monthly or yearly earnings is ever on our minds. We are conscious of our hard work and hope for better returns. Investing in art is always ‘ tricky.’ The reality is that the market isn’t steady. With an expected increase in tourism this year, artists must be ready for growing consumer demands and create pieces that represent who we are and that are easily transported. As we continue to be innovators, we shall see returns.

Education is the key to success. Everything that artists hope to achieve starts with art education, not just for the upcoming or seasoned artists, but for the general public. I would like to see art education programmes on television and other mass media, as this would be a good source of influence.

There are lots of things in store for the arts this year. Visual arts teachers’ exhibition, E.R. Burrowes School of Arts 45th Anniversary, Street art collaboration and so much more. Be on the lookout. Have a productive and prosperous 2020.


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