– minibus operators, commuters satisfied with work completed so far
WITH work on the multibillion-dollar East Coast road expansion and improvements project almost complete, many route 44 minibus operators ,taxi drivers and commuters have expressed satisfaction with the work done so far.
The Guyana Chronicle was able to speak to several persons who deemed the expansion and improvement project a success thus far.
One taxi driver who requested anonymity, stated that with the completion of the project many taxi drivers like himself will be making less visits to the mechanic; he noted that with the smoother roads he will be changing his vehicle tyres less frequently.
However, the taxi driver underscored the issue of many route 44 minibus operators speeding down the road: “They’re expanding the road to give us more space to avoid accidents, but it’s like we giving them more space to kill people,” he stated.
The man, who operates a taxi on the East Coast highway, further stated that completion of the road should result in heightened police presence to make drivers comply with the traffic laws and speed less.

David Glasgow, a route 44 minibus operator, stated that without pain there is no gain, “The only issue right now is the traffic congestion, but no pain no gain besides that the work completed so far is good.” Glasgow added that with the road work almost complete, it’s now up to drivers to eliminate the culture of speeding.
Ricardo Martin, a resident of the East Coast, told the Guyana Chronicle that during the construction period he has faced some difficulty with damage to his vehicle; but the contractors have been working hard and the work completed so far is outstanding.
“The constructers are doing a good job with rebuilding the road, but yet still while the road is under construction it costly to drivers like me, or put me in expense to buy parts for my vehicle on a regular basis due to the bricks and potholes the road has,” he said.
In 2016, the Government of Guyana and the People’s Republic of China signed a G$9.6 billion (US$45.5 million) concessional loan for completion of the widening of the road between Better Hope and Belfield and Guyana contributed some $2.7 billion to the project.
When completed, the four-lane section will have a median in the centre, equipped with streetlights. Sidewalks will be built along populated villages, seven bridges and 12 culverts will be widened, and 11 traffic signals will be installed at busy intersections along the roadway.
The approximately eight-inch finished surface will comprise asphaltic concrete and road-safety features, including warning signs, road markings and pedestrian crossings.
Pedestrians and drivers told this publication that they are pleased with the work which is being done and anticipate the full completion of the work.
The contract for the East Coast Demerara road-widening project was awarded to China Railway First Group Limited in 2014; however, the physical work commenced in August, 2017.