Locked gate is to stop parents loitering

…MoE clarifies issue at Mon Repos Primary

THE locked gate at Mon Repos Primary School was intended to dissuade parents from loitering within the environs of the school during instructional time, the Ministry of Education explained.

Last Tuesday, the Department of Education, Region Four, received a report that a group of parents had gathered outside of the school’s gate.
“This behaviour pattern by parents has led to several issues at the school, including learners being distracted during instructional time,” the Education Ministry said in a statement on Monday.

It said because of the issues created, parents were encouraged to leave after the morning and afternoon sessions started. This discussion was done at a general P.T.A. meeting on Monday, January 28, 2019.
However, on Tuesday, January 29, 2019, a few parents were not willing to leave the school compound after the bell rang in the morning.

The head teacher, senior teachers and an education officer have agreed that while parents will be allowed to drop their children to school and uplift them, there will be no loitering at the school.

“The parents must be allowed to bring their children into the school as per normal. When the bell rings, those parents who are still within the confines of the school awaiting dismissal time should be encouraged to go home and return at dismissal time for the children,” the Education Ministry said. An emergency Parent Teachers Association meeting would be convened to address the issue.

The Ministry of Education said while normalcy has been restored to the school, it will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that all stakeholders are onboard, and that efforts are made to strengthen the school-community relationship.


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