A KITTY man charged for cocaine- trafficking was yesterday remanded to prison by Magistrate Ann McLennan. Marlon Thoman, 39, of Lot 185 Pike Street, Kitty, Georgetown, denied the charge that said on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at Georgetown, he had in his possession 18 grammes of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking.
Attorney-at-law Mr. George Thomas told the court that Thoman has no prior convictions and explained that on the day in question; his client was not at home when a search was conducted. Thoman, however had received information that the police after a search carried away his documents.
However, Police Prosecutor Dinero Jones argued that Thoman was at home when the police confronted him, but he ran away. A search unearthed the alleged drug and the ranks took no other documents except Thoman’s ID Card.
Bail was refused on the grounds that the defence did not provide the court with any special reasons for bail to be granted and the matter was transferred before Magistrate Judy Latchman for Monday, July 20, 2015.
Kitty resident remanded for trafficking cocaine