PEOPLE’S Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) members at Number 64 Village have been called on to vote resoundingly on May 11 for the PPP/C.PPP/C member Bijulee Moti, chairing the public meeting at Number 64 Village Friday evening, related the many struggles of the Guyanese people under the People’s National Congress (PNC). She spoke extensively on the history and struggles of the village and urged residents to vote PPP/C for continued progress.
Hydar Ali continued on the same note, and related to supporters the struggles of the PPP/C. “In a matter of two days, you will need to make a decision that will determine the future of the country, whether we go forward with the PPP/C, or go backward with the APNU+AFC (A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance For Change).
He urged the residents to “vote and vote solidly for the PPP/C, the party of Dr. Cheddi Jagan… Donald is someone who you can trust and come May 11, we will reject them with our votes.”
Senior Member of the PPP/C, Dr. Ashni Singh, took to the stage and highlighted the many achievements of the PPP/C Government. “If you want progress to continue, for prosperity and peace to continue, vote for the PPP/C… and show them that we can win by an overwhelming majority.”
According to Dr. Singh, prior to 1992, the country was in ruins; but over the years, with strategic planning, “we have moved this country forward to a middle-income developing country.” He also, like his colleagues, spoke of the struggles of the Guyanese people under the PNC Government.
“While many speak of the ballot boxes, it is the people of Number 64 Village who can truly say that those young men was our soldiers, they were from this village”, he stressed. Their democratic right, Dr. Singh emphasised, was taken away from those young men.
“We must never forget their sacrifice and we must never forget who inflicted this act on them. Today David Granger dares to say that those persons were hooligans.”
He explained that under the PPP/C Government, many investments were made and many developments took place. Only recently he noted, the Guyana Marriott opened its doors. With this, he explained that the Opposition was always against this project; but because of the determination of the Government to see progress in Guyana, “we went ahead and built this hotel.”
He concluded by urging the PPP/C supporters to come out and vote on May 11, “it is important that you come out, every vote is important.”
We must continue the struggle for democracy