There can no substitute for a mother’s love
I EXTEND heartiest congratulations to all the mothers in Guyana on this Mother’s Day 2014, and I thank them for being exemplars of that unique and great gift of motherhood. The unconditional love that they shower, not just on their own children, but on those of others; their unlimited patience and forgiveness, and their selflessness are but few of the qualities for which I salute all mothers.
For all of the above and much more, mothers are irreplaceable and extraordinary. And today we celebrate the immeasurable gift of motherhood. It is a day to pay our homage to our mothers, whether they are still around or have departed this world.
We are eternally indebted to our mothers. We would not have been here had it not been for our mothers. They are our keystones and our cornerstones. There can be no substitute for a mother’s love and devotion.
May this day, Mother’s Day, witness an outpouring of love and appreciation for all mothers everywhere. They represent the finest of human virtues, the ones that we need to preserve for all humanity.
Happy Mother’s Day!