Ganga Persaud resigns as Local Gov’t Minister

– thanks President Ramotar for the opportunity to serve in his Cabinet
– declares fullest support to him and his Gov’t

JUST over two years since his appointment as Minister of Local Government and Regional Development by President Donald Ramotar, on December 5, 2011, Mr Ganga Persaud has announced his resignation.
In a press statement yesterday, Minister Persaud cited personal reasons as the motivation behind the unexpected move.“My resignation as Minister of local Government and Regional Development is based on personal issues presently engaging my attention as well as some additional responsibilities to which I am committed,” he said.

Ganga Persaud.
Ganga Persaud.

Persaud cited several “significant achievements” made during his tenure, including: the strengthening of the Local Government Department, both centrally and regionally; the establishment of a Local Government Department to provide support to the NDCs and municipalities; the enhancement of relations with communities across Guyana, through our constant Outreach Programmes and visit to villages; and the significant movement in the direction of Information Technology and Communication (ITC) to enhance the ministry’s communication network.
He said, “It was a distinct pleasure for me to have served as a Member of the Cabinet. I am extremely grateful to His Excellency, Mr. Donald Ramotar for the confidence he placed in me and I wish to declare my fullest support to him and his Government.
“I wish to reiterate my full confidence in His Excellency, Mr. Donald Ramotar’s ability to lead our country to greater heights and bring more opportunities for success to all Guyana.
“His Excellency’s leadership styles are admired by many and I am always amazed at the ease with which he deals with issues, particularly delicate and sensitive issues.”
In pledging his support to the Head of State, Mr Persaud made it clear that he remains committed to supporting the current People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Administration.
“As a member of the leadership of our Party, I wish to restate my commitment to working with the PPP in enhancing our chances at the next General and Regional Elections so as to reclaim the majority in the Parliament,” he declared.

“This is so important for Guyana’s continued Growth and Development since no other political party can assure our country’s development other than the PPP,” Mr Persaud said.
Persaud was supported in the discharge of his functions by his colleague Minister, Norman Whittaker, and the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Colin Croal, among others.
General Secretary of the ruling party, Clement Rohee, when asked by the Guyana Chronicle, yesterday, to give a comment, respectfully declined, saying he will give a comment on the issue at a later date.
Presidential Advisor on Governance and colleague Member of Parliament (MP), Gail Teixeira, told this newspaper that while Persaud has resigned as a minister, his post as an MP is still to be determined.
She said, “Those issues regarding his position as a Member of Parliament will have to be determined, but he has resigned as a minister.”
Asked about his reasons for leaving, Teixeira noted that his explanation citing personal reasons and commitments should be respected.
“We should respect that and leave it at that,” she said.
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, also commented on Persaud’s resignation.
He said, “I consider it a loss to the Government and the Cabinet. The time that I have spent working with him as a colleague minister, he has always been extremely hardworking and diligent.”
Persaud’s resignation is effective January 31.

(By Vanessa Narine)


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