Uncle Glen run out from de outhouse

GT Bluetooth
Bluetoothers have gotten accustomed to de plenty crap that de miasmic columnist from de Waterfall paper does write everyday. Some so accustom, dem does “add” to it after “satisfactory engagements” in de outhouse! Bottoms up! Crap meets
crap! However, sometimes miasmic crap can be dangerous and cannot be ignored. Mr. Miasmic should know after his filthy encounter.
So he “crapping” ‘bout he vexation how protest not happening anymore can’t be ignored. He calling fuh “fyah” in de streets. He plenty vex with Uncle Robert fuh not marching. Bluetoothers not stupid. Dem know what de miasmic man really want. He want de city fuh destroy! He want people to get beat up! He want business fuh bun-down! Everybody know what does happen when protest tek place. Its chaos, fear and instability!
Mr. Miasmic don’t like see development. He vex de stadium build. He vex de Berbice Bridge build. He vex Uncle Bharrat transform de country which is now recognised overseas fuh good things. He vex that plenty schools and hospital build. He vex that people enjoying a better life. He vex that everybody can now own a house and a car. He vex more that vex. Old people seh when yuh vex, yuh face does get long. The case is rest.
People want fuh know though, how come de inciting crap getting published? Inciting is a crime! How come nobody ain’t call de police pun de paper? De writer suh free that he “crapping” in public. Public “defecation” is also a crime. Yet de miasmic writer doing it freely everyday and he ain’t get charge. Yet he does turn round and holler that that de country ain’t free! De power of freedom of speech, eh.
Word is that Uncle Glen looked into de matter of miasmic crap in he paper. He boys dem seh he went in, spend some time, come out screaming holding he nose and slam in de door. De slam cause de sign pun de door fuh fall almost off. De sign seh “Outhouse”!! Hmmm!


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