I DRIVE up to Skeldon every night and about 7 o’ clock one night I saw a group on both sides of the road by the Universal Church. They stopped my vehicle and when I asked how far, two young girls pushed things like plantain chips to me and said they were selling for Pastor Roger at the Universal Church. One girl was Indian and the other looked like Amerindian. The young people including males looked like teenagers around 13 to 15. Other drivers said they know them now and so they don’t stop.
Just the other day I took a group with adults and children on a school morning to the Universal Church. Lots of people were there and vehicles parked. I asked what is it the church has and the adults said other pastors come to do deliverance.
Last night I picked up a member and she said some strange things to me. Pastor Roger told them they have to give money and borrow when they don’t have and because the school children not working they have to work for God. The boys must be there three times a day and wash the building every week and the young girls have to prepare things at home and sell for the Universal Church, because the pastor has to get money to eat, pay bills and rents. These kids do not go to school.
The young schoolboys have to watch over Pastor Roger every night and he has set up a place where some Indian boys and African boys spend the night, because he took them over to train them. I asked the member how come parents allow their children out like that, and she said they have to because Pastor Roger is a serious man and I must come to the Universal Church.
She also said she had to go back to Pastor Roger at 6 o’clock this morning and the boys and girls have to walk around to heal people today and some will be by the market. These children need to be in school during the week.