PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar has reiterated his position with regard to the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry (COI), via a letter to the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) leadership, namely Professor Clive Thomas and Dr Rupert Roopnarine.
The President stated, as he has done several times in the recent past, that the decision to launch the inquiry stemmed from a personal request made to him by Dr. Patricia Rodney, having regards for the antecedents of this

matter including calls for such an inquiry immediately after the death of Dr. Walter Rodney, from many quarters.
The PPP publicly made commitments by former Presidents’ Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Bharrat Jagdeo, while there were international calls and the National Assembly passed a resolution for the COI’s establishment.

It was explained that Dr. Patricia Rodney, widow of the late WPA historian, stated her past experiences when meeting the Head of State to request the COI and indicated that she had no wish for the terms of reference or the selection of commissioners to be the subject of any consultations with any political parties.
Given the views expressed by her, the president said that he used his “deliberate judgment” and accepted her request. He further explained that Head of the Presidential Secretariat, and the Attorney General liaised with the Rodney family, in respect of the formulation of the terms of reference. It was also indicated that Head of the Presidential Secretariat and the Attorney General were exclusively responsible for the commissioners’ selection.
President Ramotar explained that the terms of reference were crafted to recreate as far as possible, for the commissioners, the political environment, and

atmosphere at the time of Rodney’s death. He added that it would be myopic and self-defeating if the inquiry was circumscribed from venturing beyond June 1980. He emphasised that the killing of Dr. Rodney was not an isolated incident; it had its genesis in his public and political activism after he was refused employment at the University of Guyana, and culminated in his death on June 13, 1980.
It was described as strange by the president that the WPA, which was once led by Dr. Rodney would seek to oppose it now. He expressed hope that all the public statements, documents, and publications made by the WPA’s newspaper ‘Day Clean’ would be made available to the commission, along with every member or supporter with any information.
“I have no doubt that this information would greatly assist the commission in discharging its mandate,” he stated in the letter. He also gave his fullest assurance that the COI is not driven by any political agenda or any inspired sinister motive.
“It is intended to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of one of Guyana’s brightest stars, a man who has won international acclaim for his prodigious scholarship, as well as his social, political and working class activism, and coincidentally and fundamentally one whom you once embraced as your leader, a brother and a comrade. I reiterate my hope for, and expectation of your fullest participation in the commission of inquiry.”
Concerns about the appointment of Senior Counsel Seenath Jairam, were also dismissed as being without merit and a statement issued by the Attorney General with regards to this, was also enclosed, according to President Ramotar for “ease of reference”.
The letter by the Head of State is in response to a letter sent earlier by the WPA’s leadership expressing several concerns. According to President Ramotar, it was never his intention to ignore the initial letter since he deliberately made several pronouncements in the public domain to address the issues of concern raised by the WPA representatives. He also pointed out that Attorney General Anil Nandlall was instructed to issue a statement responding to the concerns and do a television programme on the same. All of these were done, as he had instructed.