Pandit clears air on controversial presentation

Dear editor,
I AM penning this letter in relation to an article captioned “Heritage month interfaith service marred by controversial presentation.” Guyana Times Thursday, September 1st, 2016. Firstly, I wish to offer an apology to the Minister of Indigenous People’s, Affairs the Hon Mr Sidney Allicock, MP, and the indigenous peoples for this rather unfortunate turn of events, because the essence of my presentation, although it may seem controversial, was misrepresented by sections of the media.
My presentation was in no way meant to discredit our indigenous peoples and their ways of life or anyone, but was geared to promote mutual respect for our indigenous culture whatever they may be despite some(if true) may conflict with our Constitution, because in my presentation I spoke to CULTURE that was part of the theme “Our culture, Earth’s people,” (save the environment, live the indigenous way) which states ‘culture is the behaviour patterns, beliefs, and other products of a particular group of people, such as values, work patterns, music, dress, diet and ceremonies, that are passed on from generation to generation.
A cultural group can be either large or small, but whatever its size, the group culture influences the identity, learning and social behaviour of its members.’ However, on the theme “save the environment,” I did not accuse Exxon Mobil of robbing earth as was reported by sections of the media, but I used Exxon Mobil as a classic example to say, that we are taking from the earth what we did not put in; therefore, we should live the indigenous way by living in harmony with our environment and to take from the earth what we need and not selfishly take from it. Finally, I am convinced that I’m living in a neurotic society and this neurosis is so common, it is almost like walking on egg shells, where you have to measure your thoughts and weigh your words, but notwithstanding this, while I firmly support press freedom, I wish to remind the media that press freedom comes at the expense of responsible and objective reporting.
Pandit Deodatt M. Tillack

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