IN my previous letter to the press, I wrote about the professional ethics involved and the use of sensational journalism by Glenn Lall and his ‘naked and shameless weapon’ that he calls a newspaper. By the way the Kaieteur has never published any of my letters since its publisher feels that my letters are pro-governmental in nature and will be counter-productive to his agenda to aid and abet the Opposition in their quest to destabilise the PPP/C Government and get into power.
It should now be clear to all and sundry that the Kaieteur News has stooped to gutter level in order achieve its agenda. Mr. Gildharie’s admission that he himself did the recording of the private conversation between himself and the Honourable Attorney General has proven this beyond any reasonable doubt. However, in my opinion I do believe that this admission was done in order to avoid the more serious offence of wire-tapping as outlined in the Communications Act 2008. Albeit so, I would like to see the reaction of all those persons who have been agitating so vigorously for the resignation of the AG with regard to this disgraceful act by a senior reporter, who has not only tarnished and stigmatised the journalist profession, but has transcended the bounds of human decency and International journalism ethics and protocol by publishing a conversation which was supposed to be private and confidential in nature. We are not supposed to use technology to tape private conversations with our friends and publish them in the press or the social media. If so, then every person will be morbidly fearful to even answer a phone call in the future! The Opposition letter writers seem to miss the point when they refer to the use of technology to record calls in their effort to excuse such an unprofessional act.
The pertinent question now should be: Was this reporter acting in his professional capacity at the time of the conversation? Was this an interview of which the AG has knowledge? Why would anyone record a private conversation from the beginning to the end unless the intention was to elicit a certain response, and publish it if it is ‘fruitful’ to Glenn Lall’s cause? I want to ask the public, if they have the habit of recording the conversations they are having with their friends? They would do that only if they have a sinister motive! In this case, the reporter and Glenn Lall did.
At this point, I wish to submit once again that at no time in that private conversation was there an element of threat or knowledge of any plan of an impending attack on the Kaieteur News or its owner. Furthermore, the willful deletion of many parts of Gildharie’s input would suggest that the AG was led and prompted by Gildharie to respond in the manner in which he did. It was an artful deception to delete Gildharie’s input in that conversation. We cannot make a full assessment of that conversation unless we hear clearly what Gildharie was saying. This is just listening to one side of the story, and we know the many sides a story can have. Therefore, it strains one’s intelligence to comprehend how some people can arrive at conclusive statements with regard to this infamous tape and can call for the resignation of the AG.
But the intention is clear. The Honourable Mr. Nandlall is among the most brilliant minds in the PPP/C Government and he has competently and on points of law defended the Government’s position on numerous occasions when the AFC and APNU have tried to twist the laws to their benefit. He has been the proverbial thorn in their posterior, so they now are seeking an opportunity to get rid of him; but the AG has the support of the masses and they will fail again. They have tried with the Honourable Minister Rohee and have failed as well. Their ‘no-confidence’ antics will fail also! The ‘holier than thou’ cuss birds in the AFC will have a rude awakening soon!
Haseef Yusuf
AFC Councillor/Region 6