ALLIANCE For Change (AFC) activist, Mark Ross, has apologised for his distasteful comment expressing the desire to see the demise of sitting Head of State, President Donald Ramotar.“I have learnt my lesson,” he said.
Ross, earlier this week, commented on the death of a Finance Ministry official following an accident in the Rupununi, saying: “Awww. I am waiting for similar news of ‘Rumotar’ and his escorts.”
Since then, the AFC activist has chalked up his comment to a manifestation of his frustration with the current political state of affairs.

He said, “I want to publicly apologise for my insensitive statement regarding the President last Sunday night… I made it while I was very angry and frustrated… The comment was made in my own personal and private capacity as an angry citizen of Guyana.”
Ross also said that his views are not reflective of the views of the AFC, not its leadership. “I want to apologise to the leaders, members and supporters of the APNU (A Partnership for National Unity) and AFC coalition for any damage that has been done as a result of my comment,” he said.
The AFC activist also admitted that his comments were not in the best interest of advancing the type of national unity that the APNU-AFC Alliance is promoting.
“I would not, in a right frame of mind, wish anyone dead regardless of who they are, what they are, or on any other basis… Upon reflecting on what I said, I realise it was not in our country’s best interest as it relates to forging relationships and promoting unity among political leaders from varying parties,” he said.
In his about turn, the AFC activist also urged other Guyanese to avoid using “hate speech, promoting photos and videos and making comments,” which would result in destroying the unity of our people.
He said, “This does not benefit us in any way or form, it only benefits those who use and promote it for their own personal political agenda.
“At the end of the day when elections would have come and gone we, as ordinary Guyanese, have to live as one after elections while our political leaders will attend banquets, buffets and cocktails and will shake hands, knock glasses and hug each other while we sit in our villages feeling ashamed of how we treated our neighbours.”
The AFC activist also acknowledged the insensitivity of his comments, when it comes to those grieving for the Finance Ministry official who lost her life on Sunday.
“My humble apologies to the family and friends of the deceased for any emotional hurt I would have caused. My sincerest condolences to all those who are grieving for her,” he said.
Politicos, at the time the comment was made, contended that Ross’s expression of his desire to see the death of a sitting Head of State was both troubling and, with elections in the air, politically insensitive.
Ross has been vocal on social media expressing his dissatisfaction with the current administration, which observers agree is his right. However, to publicly comment on the expectation of President Donald Ramotar’s death was seen as taking dissatisfaction one step too far.