Dear Editor
REFERENCE is made to Frederick Kissoon’s article “Degeneracy: Trade unionism in Guyana in 2020” (Kaieteur News, 2nd May, 2020). Freddie continues to prove the miseducation impressionable minds received under his tutelage at the University of Guyana (UG), perhaps with more subtly. Thank God, current and future students will not be exposed to him.
This pseudo academic, who operated at the highest level of academia, demonstrates here he has no regard for evidence in proving or disproving a contention. He is demonstrating confidence that he can influence the minds of the public with reckless statements. This nation is about to begin a recount of the ballots cast in the March 2nd General and Regional Elections which would lay to rest the contentions by political forces. It would be expected Kissoon, who likes it to be believed that he is a public figure of influence, would for the good of this nation await this evidence.
Kissoon the captain of chaos, is on a misinformation campaign to destabilise GECOM. It is a matter of public record I support the call for a National Recount– Regions One to Ten– and having the chips fall where they may. That he would attribute such a posture as me being supportive and defending of what he calls the “riggers” suggests that his mind is rigged, it does not function right all the time, or at least when it does, it does so conveniently.
I have no qualms about acknowledging support for the coalition government. I have detailed my reasons for so doing in many articles. I repeat, I find them more credible and better for Guyana compared to the PPP with Bharrat Jagdeo at the helm, having been subjected to a government-supported death squad unleashed on this nation, selected targeting for economic marginalisation, presiding over a narco-militarised state, a corrupt and criminalised economy, and failure of the working class.
That said, he is suggesting that I support riggers is to say that he has evidence/proof to validate that the coalition government is guilty of rigging the 2020 elections. There is also accusation against the PPP rigging. At this point in time he is not against rigging but is which riggers we support. He is no more than a hired gun, a mercenary bully.
He must have been the midwife at my delivery since his failing memory in representing my age beyond my years. I have no difficulty with my age; I consider it a honour and symbol of my genetic predisposition. Even if I was in my late 90s, as I am likely to live given my genetic makeup, what matters is my performance. To date, at this matured age, I have had no complaints in any area of performance.
I have doubts Freddie can speak so definitively about all-round performance. (Smh, lol.) So, whilst he judges me on age, I judge him on performance, and his university and public performance leaves much to be desired. As he speaks of retirement, let me remind him the General Secretary of the Guyana Trades Union Congress is an elected position and has no age limit. He is reminded the retirement age at UG is 60 years. When he reached that age, he didn’t want to go and resorted to maligning the university in order to seek relevance and get continuity of service.
Freddie recognises that I stand out in defence of GECOM, a constitutional body currently bombarded by a set of people seeking to undermine the credibility of the electoral process and, by extension, the image of Guyana. I remind him that I speak because I believe in and I am committed to struggle for Rights and the Rule of Law and against injustice, wherever it raises its ugly head, in my country affecting the constituents I serve. If he calls me a “strongman” for so doing, then his doing places him as a ‘strongman’ for all that is wrong in Guyana.
Further, he wants to support any narrative that says the Ulita Moore’s petition was an intentional delay. Here again, he ignores the court having to tell the PPP, after its second injunction, that they are wasting the court’s time. For him and like minds is only some have rights and they represent good reason why we have to stand up and fight. For some will have no right to opinion and association in this country.
And as he seeks to remind the nation that Coretta Mc Donald is a candidate for the APNU+AFC, his wicked amnesiac mind seeks to ignore that Seepaul Narine, of GAWU, is a candidate for the PPP. While he doesn’t support McDonald no doubt, he supports GAWU’s. This is exactly the problem we face in Guyana today– public misinformation and dishonesty by leading figures of and on behalf of the PPP. These dishonest people set out to create a narrative to destroy those who do not support them.
As they create this narrative, they should look in the mirror. I will present Kissoon a mirror. As Kaieteur News is undergoing changes, Kissoon may well be thinking that he has an advantage that I will not be allowed equal opportunity to respond in a paper that pays for his services. He is put on notice that he will fail.
Lincoln Lewis