Cop killer gets life imprisonment
Dennis Marks
Dennis Marks

FOUR years after police sergeant Leonard La Rose was killed in the line of duty, his killer was on Tuesday sentenced to life imprisonment.

Dennis Marks, a farmer of Matthews Ridge, North West District in Region One, was on trial for the murder before Justice Sandil Kissoon and a 12-member jury at the Demerara High Court.

However, the jury after deliberating for two hours found Marks not guilty of murder. He was however found guilty on the lesser count of manslaughter.

According to reports, LaRose and a party of policemen at Matthews Ridge, went in search of Marks, who was wanted over an allegation of rape.

However, when the police approached Marks, he allegedly whipped out a knife and attacked them. During the ordeal, he reportedly stabbed LaRose to the neck and three other ranks to their chests and hands.

Marks made good his escape on foot and the injured policemen were rushed to the Matthews Ridge Hospital, where La Rose was pronounced dead on arrival. Marks was later arrested and charged.

State Prosecutor Tuanna Hardy told the court that LaRose was killed in the life of duty and also stressed that it has become a norm whereby persons attack men and women of the law.

Hardy told the court that Marks’ actions did not only result in LaRose’s demise, but he had also injured three police officers during the incident.

According to the prosecutor, Marks becomes abusive when he is intoxicated.
She urged the court to send a strong message to Marks and likeminded persons who would contemplate similar crimes and urge respect for law enforcement officers.

The judge explained that Sergeant LaRose give his life to the Guyana Police Force and died in the line of duty.

Justice Kissoon stressed that the court has the responsibility to have zero tolerance for the killing of a law enforcement officer which only alternative is life imprisonment.
The judge told Marks that he will spend the rest of his natural life behind bars.


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