I trust they all show some sensitivity

– and publicly apologise to our President

Dear Editor,

MEDICINE is one of the most demanding career choices as it pertains to studies and practice. Five years of undergraduate medical training will only place the fresh- faced doctor at the bottom of the food chain. After medical school, a doctor may choose to pursue specialist training. In the UK where I have trained, specialist training is one of the longest in the world, if not the longest. Specialist training in the UK is also one of the oldest, and it is very rigorous. First, before a doctor can apply for specialist training, they have to pass the three-part membership examination, which has a pass rate of 40%. On passing this exam, which can take up to three years+ plus, and an additional two-year post-graduation, there is no guarantee of getting into specialist training, since it is highly competitive. Once the doctor has entered specialist training, then that training is for at least five years full-time. If the doctor decides to pursue a postgraduate degree, e.g. an MSc or PhD, then it can be longer. Finally, before the doctor exits specialist training, they would have had to undertake and pass a specialist exam. My point is that to become a specialist, a doctor has to undertake at least 10 years of postgraduate studies and multiple exams. That would be 15 years of medical school studies.

The specialists that diagnose and treat cancers are called oncologist. An oncologist, as described above, would have had to undergo years of rigorous postgraduate studies. Our President was seen by one of these oncologists who treated him successfully, and he was ultimately deemed to be in remission from his cancer. In layman’s terms, this means that the sign, symptoms and evidence of the cancer are undetectable. In essence, based on scans and blood tests done, along with detailed questioning and examination, there is no evidence of cancer. Most Guyanese were elated on receiving this news, except three persons. At least three we know of.

The first person to voice a repulsive utterance about our President’s cancer remission was Bharrat Jagdeo. Irfaan Ali was faced with a difficult and reasonable question about PPP’s ‘Plan B’, if he is convicted of the 19 criminal charges. Jagdeo, clearly irritated, interjected and rudely queried if the Coalition has a ‘Plan B’ if Mr. Granger’s cancer returns. We have heard some abominable comments from Jagdeo in the past, but this clearly beats all. Was this called for? Is his vocabulary and ability to think on his feet so limited that he was incapable of arriving at a more sophisticated answer? What about question evasion that politicians are so skilled at? It is clear that Jagdeo had an ulterior motive. The Coalition’s support at their launching and then Nomination Day is clearly distressing and frustrating him.

Jagdeo’s detestable utterance set the tone for his underlings. Two of his minions now felt empowered to make similar odious comments. First was Edward Layne, who, based on multiple media reports, was fired from NCN for alleged fraud. He never accepted the verdict, and has always argued, unconvincingly, I must say, that his firing was politically-motivated, but he never sought the courts for redress. I am quite sure he feels at home with the pilferers in the PPP. The other inextricable minion is Robin Singh. I don’t know much about this gentleman, apart from the fact that he writes daily letters that are published in the Kaieteur News. Frankly, after reading one of his letters, I would rather be water-boarded for six continuous hours than to have to torturously endure another. On reading that solitary letter, combined with his recent repugnant utterance, I am convinced beyond a doubt that Robin has the IQ of a geriatric ramgoat.

What upset all civilised Guyanese is the fact that these two, obviously clinically brain- dead characters, chose to post on Facebook that our President is terminally ill, and will die in a few months. These two diabolic creatures of the PPP, with no medical training as outlined above, with no idea of our President’s medical history, with no knowledge of the scan reports and blood tests, with no knowledge of his examination findings or symptoms, are to prognosticate on our President’s cancer. Even if they had the above-mentioned information and prerequisite training, which, clearly they both lack the aptitude to undertake, I do believe that it would be crass of anyone to share such information publicly.

Mr. Editor, I’ve written and spoken ad nauseam about my diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder. I have had my fair share of attacks on my mental health by characters in the PPP. One of those persons is Robin’s brother. You know what, I feel very sorry for them. All of them. At least my bipolar is in remission with medications. Our President’s cancer is in remission with medication. Unfortunately, what they have, no amount of medication can put in remission; IGNORANCE.

Ignorance is very contagious; it is caused by an ignorance-inducing virus. Irfaan Ali is postulated to be a silent carrier. At least, that is the theory for now, which may very well change when he starts talking. It is argued by world-renowned virologists that he picked it up from the Chancellor of the West Demerara University where he did his undergraduate studies. The Lord Chancellor clearly demonstrated severe symptoms of ignorance when queries were made of him about Irfaan’s transcripts and certificates. Jagdeo was likely infected by Irfaan, and they both infected the two anencephalic minions and most of the PPP. Unfortunately, like the dead that is ignorant of their demise, and the living is painfully aware of it and has to deal with the consequences, same can be said of those infected with the ignorance-inducing virus. While they are blissfully unaware of their cretinous state, we in the rational and intellectual world have to deal with the consequences of their moronic utterances or actions. Unfortunately, only one thing can put the ignorance-inducing virus in remission, but I would not wish that on any of them. I trust they all show some sensitivity and make a public apology to our President. Being honest, I would not hold my breath on that.

Dr. Mark Devonish

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