A storm in a teacup vs a gale force storm

Dear Editor,
The PPP legal minds have finally arisen from their hibernating narcoleptic state. Apparently still in a state of stupor, from months of somnolence, they are now experiencing visual hallucinating. With jaundiced eyes they are seeing a peaceful protest as an assault, they are seeing the waving of APNU-AFC flags as intimidating, they are seeing a community rejecting PPP as a threat ect. Mind you the people being “assaulted” are standing outside of their cars, unbothered Granger-style. When they drove off, car windows are wound down to get fresh air and to have banter with those who Just “assaulted” them. One of the APNU-AFC supporters jokingly said he is going to join PPP but first he should cover his face. And that is what he did. What about the big open truck with a quite a few in red at the back. They too were unbothered as they involved themselves in a dance-off, Gangnam Style, with the APNU-AFC supporters. That is what transpired. Any person that saw differently should urgently get some electroconvulsive therapy. Apparently Nandlall did. The list of persons and organisations he addressed PPP letter of complaint to is so long that it is easier to just highlight those that did not. Only one. God; apparently the Almighty would have no communication with him until he sorts the law books sins.

Mr. Editor, Guyanese should feel free to go to any public place in Guyana. That’s their right. PPP should be allowed to campaign anywhere. Having said that, the community has a right to reject their message if they so wish. The APNU-AFC supporters were a tad too enthusiastic in rejecting the message being delivered. These are a people who experienced the worse under PPP and that should be mitigated when examining their actions. Having said that, they should not have obstructed the vehicles.

Now let’s examine the only organisation with the right to protest in Guyana. PPP legal team may not be aware of this since it occurred when they were in their narcoleptic hibernating state. As a result I will share it with them for their unbiased legal opinion. The place was Pegasus Hotel. The terrorist leaders were Irfaan Ali, Charles Ramson jr and Juan Edghill. They split into teams of two. Juan Edghill inside with his gang of terrorists while the other two terrorists lurked outside with their team. Irfaan Ali in an effort to disguise himself, sported a cap pulled down to his face while the young Charles, caught up in the folly, left himself exposed. Not sure why Irfaan would have thought that limited disguise would be adequate to cover his identity. Let’s face it Irfaan, that level of obesity is so rare that it would have been easily picked up from mars.

Anyway, most Government Ministers on seeing the terrorist commotion ahead of them, decided to take a different route. The Minister of Foreign Affairs driver, a bit wet behind the ears, did not. Terrorist Irfaan and his henchmen proceeded to terrorise the Minister. They banged on the SUV. They shook it with force so violent that the poor minister started to prepare herself for Armageddon. And it did not stop there. Terrorist Irfaan attempted to turn turtle the vehicle but was stopped by the very tolerant police. The facial expressions of the terrorists were quite scary and menacing. While they were at it, Terrorist Juan Edghill and his henchmen, terrorised the President inside the hotel.

My point is what those folks did in Sophia and Laing Avenue was completely wrong. What PPP and their band of terrorist did was illegal and they were lucky not to be charged. Therefore, I humbly ask the PPP legal team that was in a narcoleptic hibernating state, whether they agree with me that what transpired in Sophia and Laing Avenue is essentially a storm in a teacup while what happened at Pegasus was a gale force storm. Just as I am about to conclude, please allow me to put the cat among the pigeons. It is my opinion and the opinion of many, that the folks in Sophia and Laing Avenue were just following Bharrat Jagdeo’s instructions to the “T” in “chasing them out.” Chickens have come home to roost.

Dr. Mark Devonish

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