Guyana Sevashram Sangha continues its outreach programmes
President Donald Ramotar greeting Guruji after the conclusion of the Shiva Raatri satsangh last year.
President Donald Ramotar greeting Guruji after the conclusion of the Shiva Raatri satsangh last year.

SUCCESSFUL medical and hamper-sharing outreaches have assisted recipients countrywide, through a collaborative effort between the Guyana Sevashram Sangha (Cove and John Ashram), the Ministry of Health, and several donors, notably the Beharry Group of Companies, Techno Mill, Nehaul Rice Mill, S & S Supermarket, KK Gas Station, Nehaul General Store, Peppy’s business enterprises and other devotees and volunteers of the Sangha. 

Special mention needs to be given to the New GPC INC., which has sustained the medical aspect of the Sangha’s outreach programmes with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of contributions in pharmaceuticals and other health aids to the medical aspect of the Sangha outreaches; as well as the NGO, Food for the Poor, which donated several items to the hampers that were shared to the needy and vulnerable in the Ashram’s ongoing seva (serving God by serving people).

The Ashram conducted its last outreach for 2014 at Port Mourant, in Berbice, on Sunday, December 21, at the home of popular Taan singer, Auntie Drupattie, who provided accommodation and refreshments for everyone. 2015’s outreach programmes will commence after Shivaraatri, which will be celebrated on the 17th and 18th of this month.

Dr. Mohanlall, who normally spearheads Sangha medical outreaches, had a prior commitment in Skeldon, but he made it a point to visit the Sangha outreach venue, both to ensure the process was proceeding successfully, and because he originated from Ankerville in Port Mourant, with roots buried deeply and ineradicably in that community. He, however, had facilitated the Sangha’s outreach by coordinating the medical aspect of it, whereby sufficient doctors and nurses joined the team to enable its success.

The doctors, nurses, and all the volunteers expressed their tremendous satisfaction at being able to help with such a wonderful initiative that provides relief and assistance to so many people.

While various teams are assigned to the outreaches in the different parts of the country, the Port Mourant outreach was manned by Dr. S. Itwaru and Dr. Quinn, who were ably assisted by nurses Prashad and Griffith.

In a brief address to the gathering, Dr Mohanlall explained that the Sangha’s outreaches were adjuncts to the Government’s health programme. Outlining some of the many excellent facilities that the Ministry of Health was providing to the public, he urged that patients and their relatives should demand and push healthcare workers to deliver optimum quality of service.

Bhaiji Ramnauth, official of the Sangha, warned of the consequences of parental flaws in the upbringing of their children, and encouraged parents to desist from setting bad examples, especially by sending their children to purchase substances such as cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. He advised parents to always be aware of their children’s proclivities, activities and whereabouts.

Ms. Rajkumarie Singh, Principal of the Hindu College, reiterated Bhaiji Ramnauth’s warnings, and supported his call to parents to be more pro-active in their children’s lives. She recommended that parents encourage their children to read more to expand their intellectual capacities.

Focusing on the way the path to spirituality can enhance the quality of family life, co-ordinator of the Sangha outreaches and administrative head of the Guyana branch of the Sangha, Swami Shivashankaranandaji Maharaj recommended resorting to prayers to build one’s inner strength. This strength generated from veneration to the Lord, he asserted, is a panacea to ills plaguing Mankind, and helps humanity overcome obstacles in their pathways.
Focusing on the need to build one’s inner strength through meditation, Swamiji emphasised, generates positive energy that can prevail over difficulties, and transform lives away from negative forces and actions.

He explained that the Sangha was established to serve God through serving people, and that the outreaches engaged in as a regular feature by Sangha members was merely a part of the whole of the Sangha’s programme to fulfill its mandate of service to the people of Guyana, wherever the need arises. He thanked the donors and the volunteers who contribute to the success of Sangha activities.
The Guyana Sevashram Sangha was established by Act of Parliament in 1956. But prior to this eventful legal proceeding, what was practically a series of miracles of human and spiritual input – well-documented and much lauded, had established the Guyanese branch of the Sangha, which has become the pilgrimage site of millions of Hindus the world over, especially those former students of all races who had received tuition in academics as well as spiritual knowledge at the institution during their formative years.

After the founder of the Guyana Sevashram Sangha, His Holiness Swami Purnanandaji Maharaj left these shores, an unschooled orphan named Seecharran, who was transformed into a brilliant saint whom has tutored thousands of persons, many of whom now straddle the globe as super-achievers in every professional, spiritual or creative dynamic, continued to propagate the doctrines of Guru Maharaj, which is in itself a miracle. This is a story that has become legendary during the lifetime of this great Saint, the current administrative and spiritual head of the Guyana and New York branches of the Bharat Sevashram Sangha, His Holiness Swami Vidyanandaji Maharaj (lovingly called Guruji), who is the first Swami and indisputably one of the most dynamic spiritual leaders and successful educators in the western hemisphere.

Today, the Ashram is the pilgrimage site for Hindus in Guyana and throughout the world where Hindus of Guyanese origins reside continues its service to mankind under the guidance of Swamiji Shivashankaranandaji Maharaj.

The Guyana Sevashram Sangha is inviting the general public to the celebration of Shivaraatri tomorrow (Tuesday, February 17), beginning at 0500 hours (5am).

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