No more persons than the registered seating capacity shall be carried on the vehicle.
No goods other than passengers’ personal luggage shall be carried on the vehicle.
At all times when the vehicle is in service, the destination shall clearly be shown on the route indicator.
The vehicle shall be maintained in a fit and serviceable condition at all times, and the
driver and conductor shall be clean and properly dressed, and conduct themselves in a fit and proper manner.
After departing the terminus, the driver of the vehicle shall
proceed to the point or place mentioned in the route, and shall not delay the vehicle on its journey.
The driver shall not return to the place of departure after leaving, except on the return journey.
Only licensed drivers approved by the prescribed authority shall drive the vehicle, and only persons duly licensed shall act as conductors.
The vehicle shall not leave its route except for the purpose of going to a repair shop, filling station, or the owner’s or driver’s home; and in so doing, the shortest possible route should be used.
Only the driver and conductor shall be allowed to be on the vehicle when leaving the route.
The vehicle shall not be used for the carriage of passengers, except when it is on its authorised route, and not before the time the vehicle is scheduled to leave its terminus.
Buses are required to stop at designated bus stops.
No writings, markings, drawings, or other material shall be placed on a motor vehicle, except those approved by the prescribed authority.
The licensee and his servants shall ensure strict compliance with all laws and regulations in force at the time.
Minibus operators are hereby reminded that these conditions of their Road Service Licence form an integral part of the important service they provide.
The Guyana Police Force has been directed to be more vigilant in the enforcement of the conditions of Road Service Licence for minibuses providing public transportation services. Defaulters are warned that they will be dealt with to the full extent of the law.
Members of the travelling public are encouraged to insist on drivers and conductors’ compliance with these conditions, so that they may receive quality service for which they pay.
Errant minibus operators can be reported to any police station or via the Ministry’s hotline numbers: 227-5214 or 227-5219, or the Online Crime Reporting System, through BBM PIN 2804E429 or 2828B269; text messages to 623-6068 or 623-6072; or email to;; or Please be as detailed as possible.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) yesterday reminded the general public that, following meetings between its representatives and the General Minibus Association in March and April 2009, the following decisions in relation to the playing of music were arrived at:
Original and combined radio decks/CD players with two speakers on dashboard/front doors already installed in an imported minibus will be allowed.
Replacement of such radio decks/CD players after they would have been stolen or damaged would be permitted, providing these are of similar specification to the original unit.
No amplification of sound is permitted in a minibus or hire car, whether by way of power amps, tweeters, equalizers, boosters, or any other means.
The MoHA says it has noted with concern the continued disregard for these decisions, which were arrived at in good faith with the General Minibus Association.