says Agri. Minister
HOARDNG and price gouging are responsible for the recent increase in vegetable, fruit, and egg prices in Guyana, according to Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha.
Speaking to reporters on the sideline of an event on Monday, Minister Mustapha disclosed that the ministry has not recorded any shortages in food production.
Increased prices were a concern for several consumers over the weekend. Eggs were priced at $2000 per tray in some markets; prices for some produce have also gone up.
“It’s not the cash-crop farmers increasing their prices, it is the people that are buying from the cash-crop farmers, it’s the middle men,” Mustapha explained.
He further acknowledged that while the weather will have its effect on farmers, it does not warrant the increases on the markets.
“Although you might have a little increase in the cost of vegetables and fruits, because of the weather conditions, I don’t think it’s at that level where people trying to increase so substantially.”
Persons, he said, are creating an “artificial shortage.”
“This thing is not a price-related thing where there is a shortage. We have enough in the system , but people are hoarding it and using the weather as an excuse.”
With the hope of addressing the issue, the ministry will host farmers’ markets across the country to sell produce at affordable prices.
In addition, commodities such as eggs can be purchased from the New Guyana Marketing Corporation (NGMC) for $1200 per tray.
The relevant staff at the ministry will also continue to monitor the market prices.

“I’m hoping that with the intervention of [the] GMC and [the] National Agricultural Research and Extension institute [NAREI], in bringing these farmers together and we can host some farmers’ markets across the country, [so] we can help consumers.”
The current weather condition is known as El Nino. The term refers to the warm climate pattern that affects tropical regions.
El Niño occurs on average every two to seven years, and episodes typically last nine to 12 months. It is a naturally occurring climate pattern associated with warming of the ocean-surface temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.
Simply explained, it is a period when the weather condition is warmer than usual.
According to Mustapha, fresh water is being conserved, while best practices are being implemented to assist farmers during this period.