Lusignan Golf Club returns committee for second term
Lusignan Golf Club returns committee for second term
Lusignan Golf Club returns committee for second term

-Videsh Persaud is now captain

THE executives of the Lusignan Golf Club was returned, with minor changes, for a second term at the club’s Annual General Meeting on Sunday, signalling broad approval for the organisation’s direction.

There are two new committee members in Public Relations Officer (PRO), William Walker and Captain Videsh Persaud.

Returning President, Patanjilee Persaud, told members that the previous year had seen a far better financial situation thanks to increased activities, including a successful Guyana Open, and more green fees from the diaspora and expatriates.

However, he warned that costs for maintenance of the grounds were up 25 percent, mainly due to fuel increases. He then noted that a prudent approach to spending would be advisable.

Persaud thanked the club staff for their hard work, especially in addressing the instances of heavy rainfall. He also acknowledged the contributions of outgoing committee members, Anasha Ally (PRO) and Captain Patrick Prashad.

The other members of the executive are Vice President Paton George, Treasurer Maxim Mangra, Secretary Chet Bowling, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Rabindranath Persaud, Captain Videsh Persaud, Ground Superintendent Mike Guyadin and PRO, William Walker.


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