Kudos to Equal Guyana, the Canadian High Commission and the Government of Guyana 

Dear Editor,

THIS letter is written to congratulate the Equal Guyana organisation, the Canadian High Commission and the Government of Guyana on the projects that will help enhance the lives of the LGBT community in Guyana. However, I am saddened about the negative backlash they have received from the straight community on social media. I will not share the comments because it is too indecent. I am a 39-year-old Guyanese male and it breaks my heart that we cannot offer the famous Guyanese hospitality we are known for, to our own.

We should be treated with the same respect as our straight brothers and sisters. Please do not beat us, curse us. We deserve the basic human rights to be able to go to the market without been prosecuted. Mr Editor, if our country is to succeed, we need to work together for better lives of all Guyanese. I plead with my fellow Guyanese, let us not hate; end homophobia now. Once again, congratulations to Equal Guyana organisation, keep up the great work. God bless our beautiful country, Guyana.


Javed Lallman

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