New lights for Bartica Community Centre Ground
Director of Sports Christopher Jones and
Regional Officials
Director of Sports Christopher Jones and Regional Officials


VERY soon, the youths of Bartica will be able to utilise the Bartica Community Centre Ground at nights, as works have started for the installation of new floodlights there.

On Friday, the planting of poles began at the facility, under the close watch of Mayor Gifford Marshall and other officials. The mayor disclosed that over the course of the following three days, the installation of 20 brand new lamps will be completed, thereby providing better lighting than was previously available at the ground.

Residents of Bartica, especially sports enthusiasts, have already expressed sentiments of relief at the prospect of having the new lights operating on the field.

The Bartica Community Centre Ground has been earmarked as one of the celebratory venues for Guyana’s Republic Jubilee, which is being observed this year. The lighting project is being carried out by the Government of Guyana, with support from the Bartica Football Association.

In a comment, Mayor Marshall said that the objective is to improve the lives of youths in the town, and produce well-rounded individuals.

Bartica Mayor Gifford

“As part of our commitment to youths of Bartica, we are working feverishly to improve all of our sports facilities,” the mayor said, adding: “Also, we are working towards improving our open spaces, and putting the necessary infrastructure, facilities and equipment for academics to ensure that we have well rounded young people.”

Speaking of some of the township’s hopes and aspirations, Mayor Marshall said, “As we move forward and embrace the decade of development, we are placing focus and emphasis on our youths and the development of our people. For too long we would have had a troubled society, where drugs would have plagued our young men. We’ve had a situation where many of our young girls become pregnant at a tender age. We’ve had a number of social issues that affected our beautiful town over the last few years, and we believe that if we invest in them, by putting the necessary facilities, equipment and infrastructure in place, it will direct their energies, and refocus their minds toward a kind of youth that we want. So the installation of lights at the ground is just one aspect that represents our objective in terms of making that entire facility into a sports centre.”

Very soon, he said, they will commence work on the Mongrippa Hill playfield, and install lights there as well.

He noted, too, that they are working towards identifying a spot for a playfield in the Potaro Road area, where many persons reside.

“So, it is an ongoing project, and it is one that we are very committed to. And we will ensure that Bartica moves from one level to another,” Marshall said.


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