$1M resource centre for Mahdia Secondary

MAHDIA students are now better equipped following the establishment of a $1M Resource Centre at the Mahdia Secondary School Dormitory.

Called the ‘Lynette Stephen Resource Centre’, the facility was named after past headteacher and renown educator, Lynette Stephen who played a pivotal role in the development of Mahdia Secondary School. This move puts the students on a firmer footing and will ensure higher quality educational standards in the township. The project is the result of several public consultations. It was through engagement with residents of Mahdia, Campbeltown, Princeville, Tumatumari and other surrounding communities that the idea was birthed.

Minister of State, Hon. Dawn Hastings-Williams, who officially opened the facility, saluted the residents for working with the government and private sector to operationalise the project. “Your government will continue to support you in every way we can,” Minister Hastings-Williams assured.

She added that internet connectivity would soon be a reality for all the students of Mahdia; and advised then to take full advantage of all of the materials provided. The Department of Social Cohesion spearheaded the initiative and has equipped the centre with computers, textbooks, novels, technical drawing sets, geometry sets, chairs, tables, computers, printer and ink, among other things.

It was highlighted that the resource centre will improve the educational performance of the students who board at the dormitory since they will now have access to the additional tools. Regional Executive Officer, Mitzy Campbell remarked: “Education is the fuel we run on. Any developments in education are extremely significant.”

The opening of the centre marks a great day for Guyana’s education, according to Regional Chairman, Bonaventure Fredericks. Meanwhile, His Worship the Mayor of Mahdia, David Adams, cited the momentous move as one which will bridge the educational disparities existing between the hinterland and coastal education delivery.

His Excellency, President David Granger, in his bid for the development of Guyana through education, continues to push for equitable, inclusive education for all, a vision that is becoming a reality. The resource centre is yet another effort of the Government of Guyana to bridge the gaps between the hinterland and coastal areas. The move has paid off, as noticed following this year’s National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA), where Region 8 was adjudged the most improved region. (DPI)


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