Man freed of rape charge
Jarrel Duke
Jarrel Duke

JARREL Duke was, on Monday freed of a rape charge by the Sexual Offences Court of the Demerara High Court after a jury returned a not-guilty verdict.

Duke, 20, was on trial before Justice Brassington Reynolds for allegedly engaging in sexual penetration with a six-year-old boy between December 14, 2013 and December 18, 2013. At the time of the alleged crime, Duke was 14 years old and the victim was staying at his home.

Duke was represented by attorney Rabindra Mohabir, while the state’s case was presented by Prosecutors Lisa Cave, Seeta Bishundial and Sarah Martin.

The verdict was unanimous. Justice Reynolds told Duke to consider it a second chance and that he must use the opportunity to avoid finding himself in similar situations and before the court. The judge also advised Duke to seek professional help. He also advised the victim’s parents to arrange for professional intervention for their son.

“Take the opportunity to go on with your life in a way that will bring honour and glory to the God that you serve” the Judge said to Duke and added “the good Lord knows what transpired in 2013.”


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