–before gold-burning starts
GENERAL Manager of the Guyana Gold Board (GGB), Ms. Eondrene Thompson said on Tuesday that the entity will be seeking the assurances of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that its newly-installed mercury abatement system is safe and functioning as intended before resuming gold-burning operations.

The ‘Gold Board’ recently took up residence on Crown Street, Queenstown, and although the entity is functioning from the new location in terms of its administrative responsibilities, it is still, for the time being, purchasing and burning gold at a licenced gold dealer located in the city.
According to Thompson, she, along with GGB Chairman, Gabriel Lall met with some of the entities and residents of the surrounding Queenstown neighbourhood to apprise them of plans to ensure that the highest consideration is given to their safety, health and environmental concerns.
“We met with the two schools; we met with the officer-in-charge at the Alberttown Police Station; with a cafetería manager and a number of residents in the area,” she said.
In a bid to assure all parties concerned that the EPA will be part of the process, Ms Thompson said, “We will have the EPA; they will come in and do their tests, and be able to verify the readings on the equipment to say whether or not the Guyana Gold Board is ready to resume its gold-burning operations.”
She noted that while the facility should have been up and running two weeks ago, the key focus is to be sure that there will be zero emissions of mercury when operations commence.
“We must be fit to operate in this community; we will take no chances,” Thompson said. And, touching briefly on the new mercury abatement system, she said it is a completely new piece of equipment with “layers of protection” to prevent the escape of mercury-laced vapours.

She said, too, that the equipment is fitted with indicators which can signal that emissions are occurring, thereby triggering a shutdown of operations to facilitate remedial actions.
Thompson said that there will be a zero- tolerance policy with regards to the use of protective clothing during the gold-burning operations. This, she said, goes not only for the staff of the Guyana Gold Board but also the clients whose gold is being burnt.
“We will move a step further in having one recommendation by the PAHO/WHO persons who were here,” Thompson said.
“They recommended that we have the partition of the room made out of glass, so that the client will be able to observe the burning from afar.
“If we cannot move in time to do that, it is also recommended that they be at one location in the building, where they can view the burning via monitors,” she added.
However, she is cognisant of the challenges these arrangements will present. “This will be a feat for us, because clients like to see their gold each step of the process; each step of the way,” she said, adding:
“We will have to do a lot of educating of the clients and to let them understand the dangers of them being right there when the gold is being burned; but this may be in the medium-term.”