IN an effort to improve engineering safety in the aviation sector, the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCCA) in collaboration with Roraima Airways and Air Services Limited on Monday launched a landmark training programme for personnel in the sector.
According to a press statement from Roraima Airways, the technical training in AP Precision Hydraulics (APPH) aircraft landing gear overhaul is the first of its kind to be held here, and

will be hosted at its hangar at the Eugene F. Correia International Airport at Ogle, East Coast Demerara.
The training costs approximately £17,000, and according to Roraima’s Technical Supervisor, Jason Farley, will substantially reduce maintenance cost for the company.
Said he: “Over the years, the company would have expended as much as US$30,000 to overhaul one aircraft landing gear, and we have an aircraft fleet of five (5), with each aircraft carrying three (3) gears. “Landing gear overhaul is required every six months. However, circumstances may require detailed inspection or overhaul in less than the required time, due to landing on unprepared airstrips in the hinterland as is common is Guyana.
“So this training is worthwhile; it will enhance the technical competence of the maintenance team and it gives the Aircraft Maintenance Organisation at Roraima the requisite approval by the GCAA to carry out certified landing gear overhaul.”
The cost of the four-day course is being shared among the GCAA, Roraima and Air Services Limited. The programme will be facilitated by Senior Engineer of the Heroux Devtex Company of Great Britain, Mr. M Grace.
Roraima quoted GCCA Director of Air Safety Regulations, Captain C. Kirkcaldy as hailing the collaboration, which will see Guyana enhancing its capability for engineering safety in its aviation industry.
“It is the first time I’m participating in such collaboration, and it is my pleasure to be a part of it, because it will certainly enhance the capability for aviation engineering safety in Guyana,” Captain Kirkcaldy said as he declared the training open.
He also hinted at more collaboration to come, as new regulations for Guyana’s domestic operations, which would involve the various entities operating at Ogle, take effect.
Meanwhile, Roraima’s Director of Operations, Captain Learie Barclay, has been quoted as saying at the opening of the course, “It was the first time in my lifetime as an aviator that GCAA has actually paid a significant percentage for training.
“GCAA would mandate the operators, and they would have to fund their training. So this is a landmark opportunity, to see GCAA collaborate to fund a historic training as this.”