Thirteen Guyanese will have the opportunity to pursue Masters and Doctoral degrees in nursing education through the Sao Paulo University in Brazil. Director of the Health Sciences and Education Faculty, Ministry of Public Health, Wilton Benn, told the Government Information Agency (GINA), that the offer was made when officials from the Ministry of Public Health and nursing schools across Guyana, visited Brazil.
“We had some extensive discussions on ways we could collaborate and we were offered 13 scholarships for nursing tutors to study, eight at the Masters’ Degree and five at the Doctoral level. The scholarships should come on stream next year September,” Benn explained.
There will be a process for the 13 tutors to be selected which will ensure transparency in the identification of successful applicants.
“Currently we are in the preparatory phase which is making sure that we advertise for a large pool of nurses’ educators and out of that the final selection will be made at the Ministry of Public Health and the Faculty of the University of São Paulo,” Benn explained.
The scholarship programme is a mix of local and overseas training. Students would have to make periodic visits to the Sao Paulo University for initial course and registration, thesis proposals and, final examinations and evaluation.
Meanwhile 26 Nurse Tutors are expected to graduate in November with Certificates in Nursing Education from the University of Miami. The 26 tutors were registered in 2015 and were involved in a dual mode training programme with the University of Miami. They have all suscessfully completed their training and are expected to graduate next month.
Benn said training was made possible through collaboration with international partners including the Pan American Health Organisation and the World Health Organisation (PAHO WHO).
These programmes are geared towards equipping nursing tutors and educators to be better able to provide effective knowledge and teachings to nursing and allied health students at nursing schools across Guyana. (GINA)