By Svetlana Marshall
TWELVE recreational parks are being built in Region Two, Pomeroon-Supenaam; and according to Regional Executive Officer (REO) Rupert Hopkinson, works are being done through “demonstration of unity and self-help by the people.”The REO explained that the recreational parks are being built in partnership with private stakeholders.

“All of the machinery you see at Perth Park belong to private people,” he pointed out, and added “contributions from budgetary allocations have been almost zero.”
He maintained that the residents of Essequibo, particularly those within the business community, are uniting to forge ahead with the developmental agenda of the region.
“So when the Opposition said the REO is giving out contract without the knowledge and the consent of the Tender Board, I don’t know…it is hard for me to understand it. The REO cannot give out contracts. Which contractor will accept a contract from the REO? Who will pay?” he queried rhetorically.
He added: “We have been using our reach and our relationship with people to bring about these parks; and all of these parks – there are 12 of them which have been identified — are going to be done through a demonstration of unity and self-help by the people.”
But Regional Chairman Devanand Ramdatt, who believes that the REO is acting independent of the Council, said Mr Hopkinson never consulted with the Council on the establishment of these parks.
“We are not aware of the cost; we don’t know how they will be sustained. In fact, we have never been consulted on the creation of these parks,” Mr Ramdatt said.
He also said that while there is need for recreational parks in the region, the focus should not be on the construction of these parks at a time when rice farmers in the region are being severely affected by the dry season.
Mr Ramdatt added that the equipment being used to construct the parks should be used to bring relief to rice farmers.
Since his appointment to office, Mr Hopkinson has come in for major criticisms from sections of the Region Two population, which has accused him of utilising the human and financial resources of the Region Two Democratic Council (RDC) to fulfill his personal agenda.
The parks are being created in response to the growing number of suicide cases in the region. Mr Hopkinson and team hope that the parks will create a safe space where residents can enjoy solitude and peace of mind whenever they feel depressed.
Solomon Samad, who resides at Maria’s Delight, told the Guyana Chronicle he is pleased that the RDC is moving to address the lack of recreational facilities in the region.
Godfrey James, who was at the time relaxing on the seawall at Unity Village, said he is a constant visitor to the neighbourhood. He said he goes there to relieve himself from the stress of the day, and to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the tranquility of the Atlantic Ocean.