By Shaun Michael samaroo
BHARRAT Jagdeo’s role in our society as former President comes in for all manner of speculation, with critics claiming he runs Guyana from behind the scenes.
Of course, given his strong personality, his vocal engagement on national issues, and his two-decade position as an influential leader, we would expect his presence to play a prominent role in the grand scheme of our nation’s affairs.
But the assertion that Jagdeo pulls the strings from behind the scenes at Office of the President smacks of nothing but uninformed speculation.
Now, as Chairman of the newly minted National Economic Council, he would play a powerful role in the economic development of the Guyanese society.

But Jagdeo does not dominate the Guyana Government today. Rather, President Donald Ramotar holds the reigns of the presidency with firm confidence. The President spent the last three years fending off a hostile and war-like Opposition that saw its one-seat Parliamentary dominance as the ticket to derail Government.
Once President Ramotar settled into office and got down to the task of presiding over his nation, he managed the society with his own style: an open, engaging, democratic way that the uninitiated saw as weak leadership.
Following Jagdeo’s 12 years at Office of the President, characterised with a strength of leadership that irked and irritated a lot of folks, Ramotar’s humility, his easy style, his camaraderie and manner of familiar embracing of people he encounters, came across as weak leadership.
But Ramotar possesses an inner strength of steel and a passionate resolve to lead his way, and to prove his mettle over time.
No man could rise through the ranks and traverse the tough road of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) being a weak personality.
Ramotar rose through the Party, becoming its General Secretary, surprising the nation with his Presidential bid in 2011, and winning the Presidency. That is a monumental accomplishment.
Others who tried to gain this prestigious position could not muster the strength of resolve and leadership and character to succeed, including Moses Nagamootoo and Ralph Ramkarran.
Two men showed the strength and practical wisdom to rise to the top of the PPP hierarchy, post-Jagan: Jagdeo and Ramotar.
And critics today lambast Jagdeo for his meteoric rise, asserting that he’s too strong. Considering Ramotar, however, these critics peddle a fairytale that he’s weak, and merely Jagdeo’s puppet.
We don’t acknowledge the people skills, leadership character and deep passion that caused these men to rise to lead our nation. Instead, critics claim Jagdeo wrestled and man-handled his way to the top, ignoring the fact that he had to win the minds and hearts of the Party hierarchy before he could become President.
Ramotar, as well, had to employ negotiating skills, demonstrate leadership character and muster a deep resolve to the cause of the Party and nation, before he could become Presidential candidate in 2011.
The governing of the Guyanese society today is in the firm hands of President Ramotar. He governs as his own man. He finds ready cooperation in Jagdeo, and the two would, of course, share ideas and strategies and Ramotar would, naturally, seek out Jagdeo’s experience as President if such a need arises. It’s only sensible and natural.
Ramotar is his own man. He leads with his unique style. He governs from his own vision. His love and passion for the Guyanese nation drives him to embrace his country people, moving among the masses with an ease and a smile and hugs for everyone. Humble, open and engaging, President Ramotar’s style confounds critics, who refuse to see him for who he is, for his unique leadership style.
It’s unfortunate that his term of office as President faced such draconian opposition, and that he had to cut it short. Were Guyanese to re-elect him for a full five-year term, he would absolutely transform Guyana.
His pet project has become the Amaila Hydro project, which Jagdeo initiated, along with the Low Carbon Development Strategy. The Jagdeo-Ramotar period of our history is a continuum of a certain socio-economic development strategy, based on 21st century thinking: digital access for the population, alternative energy for affordable long-term electric power, and human development through social programmes in education, health, housing and agriculture.
The process of achieving these goals is ongoing. And this continuum makes it appear that the Jagdeo vision directs the Ramotar presidency.

When Ramotar became President, lots of people expressed surprise: our nation underestimates such leaders as Ramotar, unable to see how the qualities he possesses, the humility, the soft people skills, the reasoned and rational way he converses and gives national speeches, his lack of appealing to emotional sentiments, how these translate into strong, visionary leadership.
The governing of the Guyanese society today is in the firm hands of President Ramotar. He governs as his own man. He finds ready cooperation in Jagdeo, and the two would, of course, share ideas and strategies and Ramotar would, naturally, seek out Jagdeo’s experience as President if such a need arises. It’s only sensible and natural.
As Ramotar faces voters after three years as our President, with Jagdeo by his side supporting him and campaigning for him, we would see the true mettle of this man. From his integrity as a family man, married to First Lady Deolatchmie Ramotar for 40 years, with three offspring now serving Guyana as professionals, to his astonishing rise in the annals of the rough and tumble of Party politics, we would witness the strength and character of President Ramotar as he appeals to his nation to believe in him.
This is the biggest test of his character and his leadership mettle, and based on the life story of the man, one could see him victorious at the polls.
He talks to the nation not with charisma and emotional sentimental appeals, but with a deep sensibleness, his voice resonating with an authentic belief in the Guyanese people.
Ramotar is far from being Jagdeo’s puppet. Rather, the President’s heart beats with a vision for the Guyanese nation, a vision alive and vibrant. Whether by fate or destiny, he became President of his nation, this humble man born and raised aback of the Pomeroon in a tiny sunny village called Karia Karia.
He designs his life not seeking personal glory or selfish ambition, but to, in his words, “do the best” he can. That’s all he sets out to do, and giving of his best has seen him rise to be his nation’s President.
That’s the mettle and character and depth of the man, and in him choosing to propel forward the economic revolution of modernising Guyana which Jagdeo initiated, he shows his humility and selfless courage, the qualities that uniquely place him at the helm of his nation, as captain of the 21st century Guyanese ship of state.