PNCR’s damage control is in full mode

NOT surprisingly, the well-known strategy of damage control is in full mode, following what has definitely been the debacle of the 18th biennial congress of the People’s National Congress (PNC) party. Reading the party’s repair personnel of Granger, Clarke and of all persons, Hamilton Green’s conclusion that the congress was a success, causes OBSERVER to quickly conclude the inevitability of last Sunday’s inter-party war. Maybe, Clarke and Green may be forgiven because of the long chronological distance they have travelled through all their political lives – they are so mentally tired that they have lost touch with the realities of both their world that would have changed since 1992.

By their reckoning, “success” has metamorphosed into a different meaning, for how else could they both, especially Granger, ascribe success to their party’s just ended congress?
For Green to blame the events that led to Aubrey Norton withdrawing his challenge for party leadership, and his subsequent exit from the Congress along with a contingent of followers from Region 10, on a display of indiscipline, disregard for rules and disrespect for authority……….,” further boggles the mind. In fact, such a view supports the strong view that it is still a dictum in that party that incumbency must not be challenged – that the ideology of maximum leader is alive and well.
Such a view is a desperate attempt to prevent the winds of change that the party so badly needs. It is instructive to note, that frank and forthright criticisms have come from many prominent party members, inclusive of former Finance Minister and now Member of Parliament and finance spokesperson for the A Party For National Unity, Carl Greenidge and Dr. Faith Harding. What must be emphasised is the fact that the criticisms have emanated from within the party. Thus for the party’s hierarchy to adopt a line of denial with regards the fallout from its Congress, means that this party has become lost within its own labyrinth of dishonest practices; is disregarding of the wishes of its membership; and above all, must be charged with disrespecting the latter, as well.
It is shameful that Green is talking about “ ………..disregard for rules……..”(His missive in SN: 1.8.14, “SOME FOLKS HAD A HIDEN AGENDA TO CAUSE TROUBLE AT CONGRESS.” He should remember that he has served a party that had repeatedly trampled the country’s electoral rules underfoot, by its continuous rigging of national elections so as to sustain itself in office. Talking about being barefacedly bold!
As a historian, Granger seems not to have read very well the lessons of history. Had he, he would have known that such a response and all that followed at the Congress was indeed of seismic proportions, with possible serious consequences for the future of his party and constituents. This chasm, he should further be aware, will become wider, should he continue to adopt the shocking and bizarre perceived state of aloofness.
He would be better off heeding the wisdom calls for change, and assistance in ushering in the latter.


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