THE Guyana Police Force (GPF) is very confident that it is on the right track and will be successful in the completion of the execution of its Strategic Plan.
Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud on Wednesday indicated that the Force is at a unique moment in its history where the implementation of the Strategic Plan is manifesting into the transformation of the organisation.

He related that what the Force presently has is a new decision making structure, which has an executive leadership addressing its policy, performance and operations. In addition, the decisions being adopted by the GPF are no longer ad hoc, but rather are based on research and analysis which should serve to make the Force a proactive organisation.
Seelall said that in the present day of policing of a society which is littered with youth gangs, and organised crimes such as narco and firearms trafficking, money laundering and trafficking in persons, the organisation needs to be proactive in order to be relevant. The GPF is also doing much work with respect to the implementation of new and innovative programmes and projects which according to the Top Cop are continuously being monitored.
Already, Divisional Commanders and the GPF headquarters have begun implementing the five priority areas of the Strategic Management Plan where results are being recorded each day.

Persaud pointed to sustained intelligence collaboration, capturing of perpetrators of high profile crimes, recovery of precious metals hours after they were stolen and the recapturing of high profile prisoners who staged daring escape bids among other achievements.
With respect to partnerships, each Division within the GPF, according to Top Cop, has been fostering closer ties with their community policing groups whereby they are being integrated into the operations of the Force. That is coupled with the various community projects which have been launched in several police divisions, namely – the Project Impact Albouystown, and more recently Project C which was launched in ‘D’ Division.
The Commissioner of Police assured that as the Force continues its partnership there will be more launching of several such initiatives, which are aimed at getting the members of the communities, especially the young people, involved in activities that occupy their time gainfully. The initiatives, however, are not being done single handedly the Commissioner reminded, pointing to the assistance from the Ministries of Home Affairs, Culture,Youth and Sport and Human Services along with faith -based organisations and members of the corporate sector.
(By Leroy Smith)