Google Glass: Coming soon! : –To a store near you

GOOGLE is one of the five most popular websites in the world; it also provides specialized searches through blogs, catalogues, videos, news items and more.  It all started when guys left Stanford University and founded Google Inc in September of 1998.Google was an instant hit, and by the year 2000, it was the world’s largest search engine.
Google currently employs over 30,000 people worldwide. Small wonder they are considered one of the world’s best! The company has many different applications, but its search tool or engine is the most popular of them all.Now, is there anything you can’t Google? Hardly! The search giant has done it again! And, this time around, with a more optical view in things, it has brought out a glass! One that is a must-wear!
Back in early 2012, before the world ever heard of Google Glass, the ‘tech’ world was ablaze with rumours that the search giant was beavering away on augmented reality goggles.
As time went by, it was clear that not only was this true, but that Google’s dream of wearable technology was far, far closer to release than anyone would have guessed.
Google has begun shipping the first of its Glass networked spectacles to developers, and released basic technical specifications for the head-mounted device and the Android app used to configure them.  
Google Glass will offer one full day of battery life for normal usage, but features like Hangouts and video recording will expend the battery faster. Google recommends recharging the kit with the Micro USB cable and charger it supplies with the Glass.
The display, a mooted 640 x 360resolution, is the equivalent of a 25-inch high-definition screen from eight feet away, but Google is being no more specific than that.
The head-mountable device comes with a 16GB Flash on-board storage, of which 12GB  is useable and synced with Google cloud storage. See! Everyone wants to be in the cloud these days! This spectacular Glass is tied to a Google account, and automatically uploads location data, along with video and photos to a Google+ Instant Upload. One thing to note: Read Google’s terms and services before trying this out!

Now, let’s talk about shots. The camera takes photos at five megapixels, and videos at 720p (pixels), while audio relies on a Bone Conduction Transducer system that does away with the need for earphones by transmitting audio directly to the user’s skull. However, it’s unclear where the system is located. But don’t let this scare you! It’s pretty cool, really!

The new eyewear connectivity options include the wi-fi standard 802.11b/g and Bluetooth. While it supports any Bluetooth-capable phone, the MyGlass app, which enables GPS and SMS, is currently only available for Android 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich and higher). It’s also the app that Glass owners use to configure and manage the device.

Google Glass has an adjustable nosepad, and extra nosepads in two sizes. It also comes with a Glass pouch, and is like a smartphone; that means you should keep it away from liquid. The frame is expected to be both lightweight and extremely robust. It will also have a touchpad along one arm.

Lastly, Google Glass will come in five colours: That’s black, orange, grey, white and blue.

A final release date has not been announced, but sources tell us that theoriginal suggestion of 2014 was actually overly pessimistic, and we could see Google Glass arrive in time for the end of 2013. So, start readying your letter to Santa!
Google Glass is not for everyone, either. It warns that just like normal glasses, some people feel eye strain or get a headache, and advises against children under 13 wearing them, since it could harm developing vision.
Google Glass will be the first original hardware made by the search giant that can capture the public’s imagination. Google Glass could be Google’s iPad or iPhone.


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