Lok Pal Bill hangs in balance

THE ever changing statements by the UPA leaders on the Lok Pal Bill give enough indications that government is in no mood to get it passed in the ongoing Parliament session despite the support of the mainline opposition BJP. Undoubtedly, the Bill still hangs in the balance, while Anna Hazare and his team are adamant on its passing in the current session. On the other hand, the UPA government is applying all political tricks to delay it.

It seems Anna has been weary of the UPA leaders’ two minds, that is why he had  launched a vitriolic attack on the government, ahead of his day-long fast for a strong Lok pal Bill,  charging that it was intoxicated by power. While addressing his supporters at Jantar Mantar, Anna said “So the second fight for independence has started, it is a long fight, till corruption gets eradicated, it will go on. Many people will have to get to jail again, be lathicharged, some will have to sacrifice, and that time is here now. Till we sacrifice, we won’t get the right independence.”

Hazare further said: “This government is intoxicated by power and money. It cannot see anything else. They have forgotten the sacrifices by the likes of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru. Like a drunken man becomes unconscious, similarly the government is unconscious.”It is our job to get them into their senses. This in only a day-long agitation, after December 27, it will be a long agitation.” He also warned the government that if a strong Lokpal Bill is not passed in the ongoing Winter Session of Parliament, he will sit on an indefinite fast from December 27 at Ramlila Maidan and campaign against it in the upcoming Assembly elections in five states, including Uttar Pradesh.

Apart from issuing stern warnings to the government Anna has this time mobilised the support of political parties by inviting their representatives to Jantar Mantar. More than eight political parties BJP, SP, JD (U), CPM, BJD, TDP, CPI and Akali Dal shared the platform with Hazare. It is another matter that all these parties joined ranks with Anna more for embracing the Congress party rather than lending support to his Bill. Whatever the reasons one thing is sure, that all opposing political parties have accepted to follow Lokpal Bill as these political parties now cannot escape when (if) the bill comes for voting. If these political parties oppose it their double standards will be exposed.

It is strange that inspite of  seeking cooperation from the opposition parties which shared the dais with social activist Anna Hazare, the UPA government has criticised its leaders saying an attempt has been made to bypass Parliament on the Lokpal. It is true that only Parliament can enact laws. But they should be enacted for the people. People cannot be ignored until the next election. The ruling MPs are expected to reflect people’s views and concerns, not just their parties’ stand in parliament. Moreover, if India has to progress and have equitable distribution among its masses, corruption must go. Why should Congress desist from bringing a strong Lok Pal? Is it because Congress has more corrupt politicians than honest ones? Is Rahul being tutored by those corrupt politicians not to support for one or other reasons or interpretations?

As consensus eludes political parties and the House is likely to wind up on December 22, Anna Hazare is yet confident that Parliament will pass the Bill as everybody in government have given his team the assurance. However, he said if there is not enough time for deliberations on the legislation, the Winter Session of Parliament should be extended for passing Lokpal Bill. But at the same time, in bringing more pressure to government, Anna has asked his supporters to come to the streets and join the movement if government dodges the passing of Lok Pal Bill in the ongoing session. Asserting the supremacy of Parliament and the Constitution and declaring them to be non-negotiable, the government allegedly got the backing of all political parties to reject the demands of Anna Hazare and his companions on the Jan Lokpal Bill, and the demand that it should be presented in the House and passed in the current session of Parliament.

It is quite surprising that while Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and other senior leaders are assuring that government is working out modalities to get the Bill passed in the present session, the Congress trouble shooters are lobbying with opposition parties to get it delayed. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh while meeting leaders at an all party meet said he was keen to see the “momentous” Lokpal Bill passed during the current session of Parliament based on a consensus that is driven by the House as the “custodian of legislation”. “The government is committed to implement in letter and spirit a good and effective Lokpal Bill that would have a quick and positive impact in further curbing the cancer of corruption without any adverse effects on the efficiency of our system of public administration.”  However, on being asked whether the government was considering extending the monsoon session of Parliament, the Prime Minister said it was too early to say anything on the matter.

The way government is giving mixed responses, the passing of  Lok Pal Bill in the current session of Parliament seems impossible. Though the government is under tremendous pressure to get it through yet one can’t say about its future as the UPA leaders are still toiling hard to garner political parties’ sympathies and support by raising the emotional issues like supremacy of legislature, attack of democratic institutions and hijacking of administrative powers of the government. As the Bill is still hanging in the balance, the coming week is likely to exhibit whether UPA government succeeds in defeating the manoeuvers of civil society activists by passing it as per the provisions enshrined in the constitution.

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