IS our electoral system, a fundamental component of any democratic state, now under attack? Did Mr. Gerhard Ramsaroop in his August 11, 2010 letter actually criticize the proportional representation system as a tool of racial division? Yes, our democracy is frail, but is this attack on our electoral system justifiable, or is this just another display of shameless desperation in light of the upcoming election year? Our system of proportional representation, as modeled after the Westminster System of the United Kingdom allows voters to determine the number of seats a party will have. And while we are still ethnically diverse , it is a gross insult to the people of Guyana to insinuate that where we have come from is where we still are! Guyanese are intelligent people capable of making informed, educated decisions, especially where it affects their future, and the future of their children.
The proportional representation electoral system was not established to ensure that the PNC remains the chief opposition, while preserving PPP dominance. Neither are the people of Guyana bound by traditional norms of voting where majority Indian or African votes belong to the PPP or the PNC, respectively.
As a citizen of Guyana, my vote is based on the issues that affect me, my community and my country. I am confident of and comforted in the fact that I am not alone in this, and that our electoral system is effective for promoting and protecting democracy in Guyana. Too much has been accomplished since early independence for our people to be dragged through the mud because of another person’s political ambition.
Guyana’s proportional representation electoral system is effective.