Marjorie Mendonza – Surviving breast cancer
Marjorie Mendonza
Marjorie Mendonza

In November 2013, Marjorie Mendonza was living a normal jovial life, characteristic of her, when something unusual started to confront her. It was frightening to say the least and her thoughts went haywire. “I was scared, my whole chest felt hard and I started to have these lumps in the left side and my worst thoughts were confirmed”, said Mendonza, a mother of three daughters. In November 2013, two months after celebrating her 52nd birthday, her ordeal began.
“I started to worry because I would squeeze the swollen parts and blood came out, blackish blood”, she related. Soon after, she decided to visit the Cancer Institute at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). She was pointed to Dr Berra at the clinic and after being diagnosed and added to the clinic’s roster, she began receiving treatment for breast cancer.
Breast cancer is cancer that develops from breast tissue. Some signs of breast cancer may include a lump in the breast, a change in breast shape, dimpling of the skin, fluid coming from the nipple, or a red scaly patch of skin.
In those with distant spread of the disease, there may be bone pain, swollen lymph nodes, shortness of breath, or yellow skin.
“I started to receive chemo (chemotherapy) treatment, in the form of tablets but I wasn’t comfortable”, Mendonza said.
Soon, she turned to the internet and according to her, persons informed her about “local treatment” which entailed mixing soursop leaves with turmeric spices. She said she saw someone had posted information online about a herbalist at Parika on the East Bank of Essequibo who would have been able to help her. “The Parika lady told me to boil the leaves of the soursop plant and mix it with the turmeric dye“, she said.
The process entailed boiling the leaves in four pints of water and after boiling, at least two pints of the water should remain in the pot. “Then I would grate the turmeric and mix the two and drink almost everyday”, she said. According to her, she would drink the concoction during the day or night, at no prescribed time. She said she went as far as boiling the roots of the soursop tree, as she developed her own potent version of the treatment. ”Ah even kill my sister tree”, she noted with a chuckle.
In addition, she adopted a new diet in which she stopped eating meaty foods and focused mainly on eating green, leafy vegetables. “I was scared the whole time “, Mendonza said. She said that throughout 2014 and 2015 she continued to utilize the chemo-tablets given to her by the Cancer Institute.”Dr Berra was surprised at the progress I was making “, she informed.
“I moved from a stage two case where I was at 2.0 to 0.1”, she noted , adding that in December last year she was informed that she had progressed to a more “safe stage”. In March this year, she was given an “all-clear “by the medical staff at the Cancer Institute and she continues to pay keen attention to her health.
Mendonza said the sickness may be hereditary since her mother died of cancer several years ago. “I’m praying that my three daughters or their offspring don’t encounter what I experienced “, she said.
According to research, some inherent weakness may play a minor role in most cases of breast cancer. Genetics is believed to be the primary cause of 5–10% of all cases. Women whose mother was diagnosed before 50 have an increased risk of 1.7. Persons whose mother was diagnosed at age 50 or after has an increased risk of 1.4.
Globally, turmeric is under study for its potential to affect human diseases, including kidney and cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and cancer. The plant, which is from the ginger family, is grown in abundance in some parts of Guyana, including the North West District.
”Surviving breast cancer is something I think that needs more than treatment”, Mendonza said. According to her, she prays daily, noting that her strength lies in prayers and fasting. ”Without God nothing can be done so I always dedicate myself to the Father and I continue to pray for persons affected by cancer”, the woman noted. (Alva Solomon)

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