THE official logo which will dominate flyers and posters for Guyana’s 50th independence celebrations scheduled for next year was officially unveiled yesterday at a short but significant ceremony held at the National Cultural Centre by the Commemorative Commission for the 50th Independence Anniversary.The design which was composed by Compton Babb and Christopher Taylor was done through a collective effort and emerged superior to the other 63 entries which were drawn from almost all administrative regions in Guyana and the diaspora.

Variations in the designs were as a result of the age range of participation which included children and the elderly. Locally recognised artists also participated.
The ‘roaring Jaguar’ design represents Guyana – ‘Land of the Jaguar’, as a golden nation moving forward to establish itself in the countries of the world. The text ‘50’ which is symbolical to 50 years of Independence which will be celebrated next year is bordered by the colours of the Golden Arrowhead – Guyana’s National flag.
Recognising their contribution to this monumental achievement, the Commemorative Commission awarded all participants with certificates of participation, but both Babb and Taylor were specially awarded with the undisclosed winning prize.
The first round of the competition as was described by the Master of Ceremony, Russell Lancaster, was not as difficult for the judges as compared to the second round, where the determinant was pieces which could stand against international scrutiny.
Delivering a featured address at the ceremony was Minister within the Ministry of Education, Nicolette Henry, who acknowledged the efforts of every participant while underscoring that this is the first step towards what is hoped to be an intrusive and unforgettable celebration.
“In 2016, Guyana will turn 50 and it marks a profound milestone for our nation, and as it is in the life of any person and for any group. As a matter of fact, at 50 we come closer to wisdom of our people and the things that are truly important to us, even as we acknowledge that we can live to pass 100 years and still not have all the answers to life,” the minister said.
She continued that at 50 we look up to the ones who are older than us and admire them more than ever for guidance and resilience since they have passed through these same stages in life. In addition, she noted that we look forward to the younger ones who may walk the same path that we take today except with new energy and towards new heights.

“50 is a time of deep humility about ourselves, honor for the elders and hope for the young” she said, adding that this milestone is truly a cause for celebration for Guyana, given the moments along our journey when we would have faced severe challenges.
“We know that through hard work and under the stewardship of committed leaders, and within a cohesive society, we can and will make great progress and beat the odds to get to a better place. We will build a jewel country, but more importantly to that we will build a home where we will celebrate our diversity…,” Minister Henry concluded.
By Ravin Singh