Our democracy is precious

Dear Editor,
THE Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha is deeply concerned about the occurrences at the Guyana Elections Commission over the past few days which culminated in the purported declaration of the results for Region 4 without the required verification process being completed as required by law.

Our democracy is precious, and must be maintained and defended. Elections offer Guyanese an opportunity to vote for a government of their choice, and GECOM is responsible for conducting free and fair elections with honesty, integrity and transparency in strict accordance with our laws.

The international and local observers, Diplomatic community and contesting parties have all stated that the results announced for Region 4 lack credibility, and have called for the legally-required verification process, using the statements of poll to be resumed as soon as possible. We join this call, and strongly urge GECOM, including its Chairperson,

Commissioners, Chief Executive Officer, Regional Officer and staff, to complete the process in accordance with our laws, so that an accurate result of Region 4, and the elections as a whole, could be announced and legitimacy given to the elections. Any attempt to swear in a President without following the correct legal procedures would be illegal, and bring our country into disrepute, and the legitimacy of any government so formed into question.

We congratulate the people of Guyana for turning out in large numbers to participate in the elections, thereby showing great commitment to preserving democracy in our beautiful country. The unwarranted delays have led to mounting frustration and tensions. Daily activities have come to a virtual standstill, and your patience is being tested. We urge you to remain calm and peaceful.

GECOM and the political parties must be responsible and uphold our constitution and laws. The wellbeing of Guyana and its people should be your only priority. Let democracy prevail.
Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha

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