Government investment in an electric car shows that President Granger is taking the future of our youths seriously

Dear Editor
I HAVE never met the man Robin Singh and thankfully so. With the name Robin, I would assume it is a woman. As a matter of fact, I have always assumed it is a woman until I read a missive today. You see, I once lumped Robin Singh in the cohort of the three Singhs of the PPP whose job is to spread propaganda, by utilising reserved spaces in Kaieteur News. And oh boy, they are doing a very poor job. Such a poor job that I once wondered if Jagdeo was not reading the work of his propagandists.

Anyway, that thought quickly dissipated when I observed that he gave two other disseminators of lies a trial run. These two were Donald Ramotar and Irfaan Ali, but unsurprisingly they were abysmal. In frustration, he tried Clement Rohee, who, in one of his missives, shockingly use the misnomer, “Constitutional Republic of Guyana.” Clement it should be Cooperative Republic of Guyana. Dr. Leslie Ramsammy was paired with Clement and the pensioner got a whipping like an errant schoolboy. So much so that he developed agoraphobia. After locking himself in his bedroom for a few months, an irritated Jagdeo apparently knocked on his door and instructed him to get out by shouting at him, “You can’t let that lil boy bully you. Show him that we stay “representing” by having our names called in American courts with Roger Khan.” With renewed confidence, Leslie stepped out yesterday but so far he is being ignored, because the now educated electorate recognises that his talks are just humbug.

So Robin penned one of his ill-informed, poorly researched, and toddler- level missive. In the very letter column, a sixth form student from School of the Nations was made to look like V.S. Naipaul compared to ridiculous Robin. His missive is titled, “What is Government [sic] thinking in the purchase of an electric car?” Robin you got one thing right. They are thinking and you are not. Robin then went on a superfluous rant which I completely ignored since it made no sense. He then went on to type the very sexist piece which made me realise that Robin must be a man. I will quote him verbatim out of fear of getting it wrong, resulting in another hormonal rant, “The supercilious fuss over a purchase of a vehicle whose target market is the climate-zealous housewife in America, and which has no tangible benefit to Guyana exposes the shallowness of thought and action in the administration.” Robin oh Robin, you have been drinking from that cup too long and I would recommend that you switch to foliage, preferably grass. Firstly, climate change is everybody’s business since climate change will affect all of us and not only housewives.

Further, electric vehicles serve to decrease toxic environmental gases that are emitted from present-day cars. My understanding is, when these emissions are decreased it will benefit all countries on the earth of which Guyana is a part. Young man, as a result, Mr Granger is showing leadership in protecting the environment for future generations. Other countries are following similar directions, including Britain. Britain has set targets for phasing out diesel and petrol cars. There is work on technology to reduce emissions from planes, etc.

There is talk of us going carbon neutral. So Mr. Singh, your President is showing leadership.
The sexist Robin then went on to say, “ All Guyanese know that there is a massive shortfall of supply in our electrical grid; how would the addition of vehicles requiring electricity affect the already dire situation?” This sums up why the PPP should never lead Guyana until they have reformed. Singh, are you saying that this one car will drain all our electricity? First thing Master Singh, a responsible government would do a trial before they make a massive investment. These are not the days of directing US$300M down a dead Skeldon Estate project and US$1billion down the Amaila hydroelectric project. Based on the trial, the government can then phase in electric cars. This will take years Master Singh, hopefully by which time Jagdeo would place you into retirement, if he himself is not placed into retirement by the PPP. You may not be aware of it Master Singh, but we are now producing oil via Exxon. APNU+AFC has a decade of development planned. I am sure that part of that development is our electricity system, since no country that is serious about industrial development can do so without reliable electricity.

Then Master Singh shockingly said this, “There has to be abundant, cheap electrical supply to consider the move towards electric vehicles, should that energy come from diesel, natural gas or hydro is where we start the conversation.” Robin, I have seriously had enough of your silly questions and statements. Do some research for a change. Suffice to say that three billion cars using diesel or petrol are more environmentally harmful than 200 electric plants using similar energy sources. Now you go do your maths and research. I am not here to spoon feed you and those in the PPP.

Hysterical Robin then went into a rant of price and price and more price. I am at the end of my tether with him; hence, this is the final topic I will explain to him and his comrades in the PPP. Electric cars are expensive and I don’t think anybody will doubt that. Someone who wishes to lead Guyana would use that jelly-like organ between their ears to work out why. It is simple Robin. It is ridiculously simple. It boils down to supply and demand, the pillars of economics. If demand is low then price will be higher.

The reason is that the company has to cover their overhead cost among other costs. With less customers, that cost will be borne by those few customers, hence higher prices. As demand increases and more customers enter the market, then that cost spreads across a greater number of customers. Also as demand increases, more companies will enter the market which stimulates competition and increases supply. The result is that prices will drop. So by the time the government is ready to invest in electric cars, prices would be significantly lower.

Now I am exhausted. These characters in PPP who wish to lead Guyana are dependent on a medical doctor to explain climate change and economics. I am sure the electorate have worked out that you are all useless. Robin, please forward your email so you can receive your certificate and transcripts. We don’t want any difficulties if you choose to run for President in the future.
Dr Mark Devonish

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