STUDENTS of the Grade II Medical Assistant Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Course 2019-01 were on Tuesday urged to place a premium value on their participation on the course by commanding officer, sixth Infantry Battalion, Lt. Col. Lloyd Souvenir.
The commanding officer was at the time declaring the courses formally open at the Headquarters’ Medical Corps, Base Camp Ayanganna.
The students were also encouraged to see this next step in their professional development as an opportunity to grow beyond what they had learned as students of the Grade III Course in the past.
“You are now pursuing studies at the second tier of your training as, medical assistants. Previously, your preparation on the induction Grade III course would have grounded you in basic principles to enable you to function as Grade III assistants. Now, you are at this higher level and you are expected to build upon your previous knowledge,” Lt. Col. Lloyd Souvenir said.
He continued: “All of you have gained experience since completing your induction medical training. You must now rise to ensure that your time on this course fulfills for you that higher level of knowledge that will propel you to higher heights. After this course, you will be in a better position to become trained as professional nurses, physiotherapists, and other medical professionals. Use your time here wisely. Focus on your studies and seek to understand all that your tutors will share with you. The sky is the limit!”
Medical assistants support the work of the doctors and other professional medical personnel at the GDF Medical Corps.