Combined effort for better cooperation will bring mutual benefit to Guyana

Dear Editor,

HISTORY is replete with nations having their moments of challenge. Whether threatened by external forces or by internal domestic tensions that threaten the indivisibility and viability of the state; these would have been instances that have demanded a coming together; first, of all primary political-social-economic groups; and of the citizens, to cooperate for strategy to protect and defeat the particular threat to the existence of the particular nation, if it originates from beyond.

It is even more incumbent, that the same urgency be summoned, to confront domestic challenges, for in both instances, the socio-viability of the state is threatened, particularly its cohesiveness. Therefore, it is the coming together of every organisation, inclusive of every citizen, that must pool especially their mental and intellectual energies, to overcome obstacles which obstruct the greater good. For it is only genuine cooperation, of working together, in times of national challenges that strengthens and protects a nation

As an example, there is  more than broad support among all Guyanese, when it comes to the question of the border controversy between Guyana and Venezuela, in which the latter has dishonestly re-opened an ever since settled border dispute with Guyana, legally settled at the Paris Tribunal  by the 1899 Arbitral Award that definably settled the issue. Beyond all doubt, it is a given among all Guyanese, irrespective of political affiliation and ethnicity, that every square inch of sovereign land is theirs as Guyanese, as a nation and people.
Unfortunately however, the latter understood cohesiveness has been absent from our political development as a nation.

The no-confidence motion of December 21, and all that it has entailed is both a stark example and reminder of the political divide that has been at the heart of our existence as a nation. And since we are all au fait with the issues that have since occurred, the opinion would not be detained, except to say that there are challenges that demand a higher call to country, rather the promotion of grandstanding; inflammatory rhetoric, and politically selfish ends that cannot benefit Guyana as a nation.

There have been stern tests to government and nation; but “Cometh the hour, cometh the man”, would be apt in describing the very strong and steady leadership provided by President David Granger as he seeks to give guidance and calmness, despite undisguised environment.

In reiterating this fact, we must understand primarily that all politics is said to be adversarial, and that this has taken very extreme forms in Guyana, since 2015. However, despite the fact of whatever background that exists, and which has been fuelling this kind of uncivil behaviour which can do no good to current attempts at  making  Guyana a better place for all Guyanese; despite the differing contentions and approaches to whatever crossroads we may be at, as to the right answers or solutions – it is only a coming together of all various contenders and their respective bodies, be they political: all political parties; economic: all business and commercial organisations or their umbrella representative body; the religious bodies or their representative grouping; trade unions and umbrella professional bodies, such as the media and other interest groups and NGOs,  such as civil society.

We would refuse to believe that there are not still good Guyanese and patriots who do not have the greater good of their country as a first priority, rather than their individual selfish agenda, and that they cannot bring a reasoned debate to whatever issues are current.

Further, we would refuse to believe that reason has fled, and has been replaced by the impossible and the irrational, which again, cannot result in any positive outcome or result for country and people. And this is all said, with the fact that a nation and its true moral quality is best tested by adversity, that demonstrates its honesty about itself – what it truly represents.

This is indeed a phase in our modern history that challenges every Guyanese organisation, irrespective of political affiliation, or even socio-ethnic base; every Guyanese who professes love and care for their country, and respect for their fellow Guyanese, irrespective of race, to join together for the big effort of rising above partisanship of all types, and narrow political enclaves, so that we all can move Guyana to the summit of its great potential. But we must understand that such a promise land can only be entered, by the inevitable recognition that ALL must cooperate for Guyana, not by empty rhetoric, but by real COOPERATION, that this moment demands.

At times such as these, we are reminded of that uptempo national song: ‘Let us cooperate,’ composed by W.R.A. Pilgrim, the song may have been composed for a specific occasion of national importance. The lyrics call for unity and sacrifice to overcome challenges, at the same time reassures Guyanese that we are indeed up to the task. Indeed, at this junction of our history; we can co-operate for Guyana, let us co-operate for our land, let us resolve to fight together, see we do it right together. Can we do it? YES, WE CAN.

Earl Hamilton

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