Taxi driver nabbed in cocaine bust at Parika

An intelligence-led operation conducted by ranks of the Force’s Narcotics Branch on Sunday at Parika, East Bank Essequibo has resulted in the arrest of a male taxi driver with almost sixty-six kilograms of cocaine.

Police said the operation was conducted between 14:00-16:30h ;first in the thirty-three years old suspect home at Budhoo Housing Scheme,Parika where they came up empty-handed but on searching his motorcar, ranks found an unusually heavy gas cylinder in the trunk.

In the suspect’s presence, the enforcement officials commanded by a Gazetted Officer, cut open the cylinder and found the illicit substance.

Investigations are ongoing.


1 thought on “Taxi driver nabbed in cocaine bust at Parika”

  1. The drug trade is very attractive and lucrative. The political ‘administrations’ it appears , have no interest in curbing it.

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