CONTINUING its efforts to promote ICT Innovation and the development of ICT skills in Guyanese youths, more especially Guyanese girls, the Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes on Thursday presented Raspberry Pi 3 Starter Kits to four (4) Coding/Robotics Clubs in Demerara.
The presentation took place at the University of Guyana’s Computer Science Laboratory, Turkeyen campus, the ministry said in a release. The ‘clubs’ receiving the Starter Kits were the University of Guyana Coding Club, and the “Guyana Girls Can Code” Clubs at the Bygeval Secondary School, ECD, and the North Ruimveldt Secondary School in Georgetown.
The “Guyana Girls Can Code” clubs were initiated by the National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU) in 2016 and these two schools had been selected for the pilot project, based in part on the fact that they both already had active “Girls in ICT’ Clubs.
The ‘Girls can code’ programme is expected to become a fully-fledged project with Computer Programming in many of its variations, introduced in both primary and secondary schools. It is all a large part of the MOPT’s aggressive push to ensure that as many Guyanese as possible become proficient in the use and understanding of computing.
The computer hardware kits presented today are very versatile. In particular, they have the capacity to teach Robotics and Programming/Coding skills in a simple, fun way. According to Minister Hughes, tools such as these kits will surely enable Guyana to participate in the multi-Billion dollar global App Economy.