An affront to the religious community

Dear Editor
FOR almost a week and a half (1/2) on the local airwaves (radio stations) an advertisement, sub-titled “Split in the Middle” remained distasteful, obscene, lewd and vulgar. Surely, this is an affront to the religious bodies, apart from being totally unacceptable. It’s for this specific reason that I must enquire of the following:

1. Is there an existing regulatory body in place where an official complaint can be made, with the relevant sanction(s) being imposed?

2. Within the regulatory framework of Radio/J.V. license being granted, does it entail uncouth and uncivilised language deemed offensive to any religious denomination, is strictly prohibited?

To hear a purported Chinese store owner offering for sale various female apparel for the show, with the “split in the middle” being specifically emphasized. It’s at this juncture, granny the purchaser is being reminded that a specific outfit would be ideal. Since it would be just as when: “Moses split the Red Sea in the middle”. While both the Holy Bible and the Holy Koran hold Moses as a Prophet of high esteem, his status in an advertisement is being diminished with vulgarity.

So sad that advertising and promotional interests can go down this road, unchecked and uncensored. But where are the collective voices of Christianity and Islam, to denounce this dastardly act, publicly? Had it been a case that Hinduism was being desecrated, it wouldn’t have gone without public condemnation, and quite rightfully so from the I. A. C and Indian Rights Activist, Ryhaan Shah. Where are the collective voices of the Guyana Council of Churches, C.I.O.G and the Inter-Faith Religious Body? Can the aforementioned sit idly and silently by, and allow public desecration of the Prophet Moses?

Lester Sealey

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